Child Exploitation on Social Media

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My friends and I had done a podcast on this topic a few weeks back for a project. I found the topic interesting and I see that a lot of people have different views on this topic.

First of all, this is just my opinion and you are free to express yours (respectfully) in the comments. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Children being used to make money is bad. I agree. Babies and toddlers being used to make money because they're cute is also bad. Children making money off of something that they love to do—probably not so bad.

I would like to establish that I am a teenager and I have published a book. Am I making money off of it? Not really but, I could. I have published something and writing for that book would be considered as work.

Writing is a hobby that I wanted to put out into the world so, I got it published. Children who want to act, put in years of work and dedication to become child actors or actresses. Children who want to become models go for pageants and other competitions to become a model.

Do I think this is exploitation? No, I don't because they are making money off of their hobby which I think they are free to do.

Child exploitation is when an adult takes advantage of a child for various purposes. Sure, most of the money that children make goes to their parents but, a lot of them don't force their children into doing these things.

There are exceptions of course. There are parents who force their children into acting, modeling, etc. just because they couldn't achieve their own dreams. That I would consider exploitation.

It annoys me that there are people commenting disgusting and hateful things on videos of children sharing their work. Social media is a free place and I think everyone should be allowed to share respectful things and people should be allowed to give respectful comments. Respect is not difficult to give.

So, it all comes down to the audience. A child could be walking down the runway, all proud and confident, but all people have to say is that they are a child and should be focusing on school.

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