Mr. Smart and Handsome

121 10 20

I just remembered this really funny thing that happened in our school a few months back.

There was an inter school elocution competition going on in our school auditorium and of course all of us were forced to watch it.

Our school doesn't usually encourage boys and girls being anywhere near each other. That is also the reason why boys and girls have separate school buildings divided by a huge football ground surrounded by a running track in between.

But surprisingly enough, this time the boys and girls were together in the auditorium to watch the competition. It was only the senior section though, not the entire school.

The boys sat on one column and the girls sat in the one on their right and there was a huge space in between, where the principal and other board members sat.

The programmer started and we payed attention to maybe one or two speeches before we started getting bored and talking to each other. The auditorium just got noisy despite the badge holders trying to quiet us down by changing our seats and separating us from our friends but, that wouldn't help since we would talk with anyone and everyone.

Then all of a sudden half the auditorium turned their attention towards the podium. Yes, there was handsome, cute guy up there.

You could literally feel the vibe change. Now, I'm not really interested in guys and all that stuff and so I didn't really get the hype.

This guy was fair, about 6 ft tall and had dark black hair. That's it. He was good looking but not someone I would be gushing over.

My best friend started getting all excited in the seat next to me and she was basically clawing at my hand. Everyone around me was literally blushing except for the boys of course-- they were jealous.

That wasn't the end of it though. By now only half of the girls were flustered. The moment the guy sat down on a chair...

I'm not gonna lie you could seriously feel everyone getting hyped up. Me as usual was just sitting there with a poker face trying to figure what it was all about. I'm not called a Non reactive metal for no reason.

After this the prize distribution happened and the handsome guy won first prize and everyone cheered for him so loudly that even the teachers couldn't help smiling .

It was time for recess by the time we reached class. So, half of the block was empty. Why? They had all ran to the auditorium again to talk to that guy.

After class I got on the school bus and my friends were telling me about the stuff that happened in the class after the guy's arrival.

Apparently one girl had gone to him, talked to him and he had given her a handshake. That girl did not let anyone or anything touch her hand the entire day.

Another girl got his Instagram username and was obviously going on his stalkers list that day.

I still don't get the hype, but the boy obviously didn't mind. I guess it's just something that happens to teenagers when they have been refused to talk to boys. I mean they still do it but still.

Do you guys have any crazy stories?

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