I don't do sports.... Deal with it!!

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"You have to do sports! It's good for you"
Sounded strangely enough like "Arre beta! Marry him he's good for you."

You have absolutely no idea how many times I have had to hear this line, with little or no modification.

"But I don't want to!" I would reply.
Though I knew very well it was of no use.

My best friend Myra is a tennis lover. Every time I went to her house, a cricket match would be going on on the TV.

I don't mind her loving sports or her taking it up as her career, but why the heck are you dragging me into it!

Yes, I know that sports is important for health and blah blah blah. I've heard it all a million times you don't have to say it again.

I'm just more of an artsy, clumsy type of person. I don't like playing by the rules. I think out of the box. Now you tell me, do you think I can ever play sports?

I, of course, have tried sports for the sake of trying. I tried badminton with and without coaching. You guys know how Without went from the previous chapter. So, you also know that sports is not my area.

My parents, Myra and Myra's parents knew this very well too, but they kept compelling every single time I went to their house.

I eventually started going for badminton coaching at school. It was great, to be honest. When I went for coaching I could play quite well, but the day I stopped I reached level zero again.

I am never doing sports again, I thought to myself.

A few months passed by after the classes and Myra called me on the phone.
I picked it up.

"Hey!" She said
"So I was thinking of joining basketball classes in our school. You wanna join?"
"Wait let me ask my parents"
"Wait. Forget them. First tell me whether you are interested."
"Yeah I am" Sure I said I hated sports but basketball was different. I don't really know why, but I liked it for some reason.
"Ok cool. Ask them and let me know." She said and cut the phone.

I asked my parents and obviously they said yes. I called her and told her I'll come.

After a while her mom called my mom to tell the details of the class. The class would start at 5 in the morning. Two hours class. I had to wake up and eat only a biscuit and drink milk before class and the worst part was it was on Friday. It was during the weekend!

I should have said no. Dang it!
That week Myra's father bought us both good quality basketballs, making it even more difficult to ditch the class on the first day.

He dropped us to our school. The school gates were closed so our coach asked us to run around the school. (Let's just say our school is pretty big.)

Then the guard came and opened the gates and we went in and did some dribbling exercises. After that we tried shooting the ball in the hoop. I, of course, failed in both. Myra on the other hand was acing everything.

Finally the class was over and I was dropped back home by her parents. I went straight to bed saying never again!never again!

The next week I was ready- to say I'm not going, of course.

I didn't wake up and I didn't go. For a few weeks my parents yelled but, like the good girl I am I stuck to my word. My parents soon realized that yelling was of no use and let it go.

We never spoke about that again and they reduced the compelling too.

I liked how we all silently agreed to the fact that sports is NOT my forte and no amount of compelling can change that.

Hi guys!! Hope you liked this chapter! I would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks for reading!!

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