Being someones hater

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Guess who just became a hater today? This girl right here. Yes me.

It was very annoying to be honest, but also understandable.

I'm pretty opinionated, in case you haven't figured that out yet. I would also love other people to be opinionated. Critique my work. You don't agree with something I write? Say it. Let's discuss! That's how we learn. That's how all creators learn.

If you can't take critique, you really shouldn't be a creator. That being said let me tell you the hate comment I said. You don't have to be on my side for this one. Heck, even I'm not on my side for this one.

Today I told a person that a name that they were considering to put for their Instagram account was similar to another name. I did not know this person but, it was normal for people to reply to people's stories and give their opinion. People did that for me and I thought everyone appreciated it. I do.

That's my mistake of guessing. They did not appreciate it and they did not take it well.

I'm trying to keep this chapter as unbiased as possible. I do know how not everyone would like my opinion. That's when I became a hater.

They moved on to say that if I didn't go to peoples dms giving my opinion, I would have a lot more followers (they had triple the number of followers that I had).

If I asked you people what name I should choose for my account and if you knew someone with a very similar name, then I'll want you to tell me. Then again, not everyone is like me.

Some people really don't know how to take hate or opinions. I probably should've kept my mouth shut but no. I was trying to be nice.

Like I said in a previous chapter, I had all good intentions but the outcome made me the villain.

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