Board results

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There's a possibility that we might get our 10th grade results tomorrow. So, I just felt like I needed to say this for all the people that are going to be seeing their results soon.

I have no idea of how much our grades really matter for our future and I would appreciate it if the people that are done with school could comment on this paragraph and tell us how important it actually is.

I won't say it's not important though because if you need a job your grades probably will matter. That's not what I wanted to say.

There are going to be lots of people calling you and texting you on the day you get your results. No matter what your marks are there will be people that give you negative and positive comments on it. What I wanted to say was—don't let them get to you.

They don't know what we went through the past year. They'll tell you things like "You were sitting and home all day and you still didn't get 100/100". You were sitting home all day possibly wondering what would happen next. What the next big thing that took you down would be? You were probably at the lowest point of your life and we're they there to support you then? No, no they were not. So, their opinions on your grades do not matter either.

Even if they asked you whether you were ok at that time and you didn't tell them, their opinion still doesn't matter because they didn't know. Also, no one has the right to judge your grades other than you and your parents. Anyone else that pulls you down because of it—you can ignore.

I want you to grow and I think we've all changed a lot within a year. I hope we've all changed for the better. Sure, we're not perfect humans and still make mistakes but we're working on it and I'm proud of ourselves for it.

Don't let your the grades you didn't write even write an exam for ruin your days. Don't let the people that don't know you but still judge you ruin your days.

Only you know you. Only you know the effort you put in. If you didn't get the outcome you wanted then try better this year.

Don't stress about what has to come. Live in the present—not the past or the future.

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