I play badminton

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My best friend, Myra, had come over to my house for a play date one day. We didn't have much to do at home so we decided to go to the open area in front of our house.

We were about six years old. Me and Myra were just goofing around while my mom and my sister played badminton.

After a while, Myra said that she wanted to play badminton with my sister and she went off.

I stood there watching and decided that I wanted to play too. So when Myra got tired, I said with immense confidence that I would play with my sister.

I took the racquet and my sister served. Of course, I missed. I thought to myself, oh it's ok! it's my first time playing anyway. No big deal.

But the problem was I missed Every. Single. Shot.

At this point I was frustrated. My sister served again and I decided I would not miss this time. The shuttle reached me and I swung the racquet with great force.

In the distance I could almost hear the commentary, Wah! What a shot!

It only lasted a second though. It took me that one second to realize that both my hands were suddenly empty and that there was a racquet flying towards my sister. I definitely did not laugh.

Sadly enough, I missed that shot too.

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