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Does anyone else feel invisible? I always felt this way but I'm starting to really notice it now. It's like I'm just existing in the farthest hemispheres of everyone's lives.

Almost every word I say in a day gets ignored. I'm told I don't talk enough, but when I tell them that they just don't listen, they tell me I'm not loud enough. If I raise my voice, I'm a threat.

I feel invisible in a way that I wonder sometimes if drank some potion that made me one with the air that swallowed me whole.

Have you ever talked to someone to just get ignored? They really just act like they didn't hear you. It's humiliating, dehumanizing, and painful. It's usually my fault because I truly cannot talk at a normal volume.

Do I just exist then? What do I do with all my opinions and thoughts? What if I don't want to write them down anymore? What if I want to blurt them all out into the universe? I think my voice will be drowned by chaos and reduced to nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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