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𒊹︎ A true magician never reveals their secrets, unless you're on the stage with them of course!𒊹︎

The sight of the big stage overwhelmed my six year old mind as me, my family and my friends and their family.

It was a magic show and father and his colleagues had gotten tickets.

The show was of a really famous Malayali magician. Everyone knew him. Even I, only six years of age, knew him.

Half way through the show the magician called for volunteers. Me being a shy kid didn't say a word. But he told all of us to close our eyes. And so everyone did. I sneaked a peek and saw cartoon characters.

The whole Mickey Mouse Club House has arrived on the scene. They started picking people as volunteers and one of them came to me and called me on stage. I went with him and stood on stage, beaming.

There were three volunteers on stage including me. The magician called me and asked me to lay down on a small mattress and close my eyes. I did as he asked. After a while I opened it up and so that the ceiling had some how come closer to me.

Wait. What?

I was levitating! I couldn't find any strings or anything tied to the mattress so I couldn't find the trick.

We also did one more trick. I laid down on another mattress and closed my eyes and he made one shoe of mine disappear. That trick was pretty obvious although the audience seemed tranced by the "illusion".

Before leaving the stage we were given gift bags. I was really excited to open it. After going home I ripped up the wrapping paper and looked inside. My excitement burst into a million pieces after I looked inside.

It was a CD. A CD of the magician. No not if him doing magic. I don't really remember what it was but it was boring is all I remember.

I still have the CD though. Just for memory.

Life of an Indian Teenage GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora