Nicknames and Metals

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I'm not a very expressive type of person. This might have annoyed the people around me just a little bit.

When I was in eighth grade, my class decided to do an award ceremony in our class since we would be going to high school the next year and we would be in different classes.

Every student would get an award with the title that the other students would choose for them.

We sat in class during recess and were planning the titles while eating our food. We went on giving titles for each person roll number wise, and then they reached my name.

One girl said I'm the most inexpressive girl in the class so I should be given that title. However, just as she said it the bell rang and we all sat down and the teacher came in.

It was science class. We were learning the lesson metals and non metals.Our teacher was teaching us the characteristics of non metals and I, as usual, was wandering in dreamland. All of a sudden, all heads turned to look at me.

Why were they looking at me? Did teacher call me?

Apparently, when teacher was saying the characteristics she had said that some metals are non reactive.

This had triggered their mind and as soon as class was over, I had been awarded the title of Non reactive metal.

However when I was awarded my award it did not have the title "Non reactive metal" written on it, it was titled "the most innovative person of the class".

I would rather have had the title non reactive metal, to be honest. At least every time I looked at it, it would feel real.

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