Keyboard Competition

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Yes this is another one of my keyboard fails and yes I'll make sure this is the last one.
This had happened before I had appeared from the Exam, by the way.
Me and my friend had signed up for a competition in a community center. I didn't really make a huge deal of it and just went. My friend and I were talking about our nerves when this conversation came up:
Me: You know I thought Sir would come to watch us perform.
Her: Ya, I know right. I was nervous about it.
Me: *laughs*
Her: He thinks he's being supportive and all but it just makes us nervous.
Me: I know right!
And the same conversation continued for a minute and was suddenly stopped by the sight of the arrival of our sir. Oh god! We both must've thought.
He came in the room and sat in an empty sat in the row opposite to ours, after greeting us with smiles.
My nerves were a wreck. My friend had to perform first. She went on stages performed and came back. She had played well, I had told her so too. After a while it was my turn and I had played pretty well too that was until I forgot the notes and just stood there for about half a minute, then I looked at my sir and I got more nervous so I just skipped that portion and went on to the next part.
I knew the answer of course but after I had done performing I went to my friend and asked her how I had performed. She said it was good except for the part I got stuck. I can live with that, I thought and we walked out of the centre after a while and went back home.
I liked how we both secretly knew that neither of us would win but we also couldn't care less.

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