Catching up to 2021

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Life gets boring. My life right now is so boring. I'm only 15. My life should be exciting and fun!

Instead of having the "best years of my life" I am stuck at home in front of a screen from morning to night.

Ok, since I've been absent for so long let's catch up.

After the last time that I updated this book I have been under the pressure of writing board exams since January 2021. There were revisions after revisions and exams after exams because more exams meant more practice for the real exams.

Our exams that were supposed to happen in March 2021 got postponed to May 2021. A lot more time right? No. It meant a lot more exams! We had four pre-boards.

The only thing barely good about this was that we got to go to school after a year of online studying.

We went to school for writing our last preparation exam. It was nice to go to school. There were a few changes, but it was ok. We got to meet our friends and a few of our teachers.

After this was over, we started again with classes for preparing for the board exams.

It might sound like it was all worth it at the end because I worked so hard right?

It wasn't. It was not worth it. At the end the exams got cancelled. That's it. We wrote so many exams and studied so much and at the end the exams were cancelled.

I'm not complaining though. Well actually I was, but I was happy that it got cancelled. The happiness only lasted for two weeks because after that our 11th grade class started.

A lot of my friends were shifted to different classes and I became a psychology student. Anyone that is or was a psychology student would know that taking psychology comes with a lot of extra baggage. For example:

"Psychology? You don't like maths?" (I don't, but who are they to tell?)

"Psychology? No scope." (If there was no scope the field wouldn't exist and psychology is the youngest and the fastest developing discipline)

"What will you do after 12th?" (I don't know yet. Let me breath please)

"Oh...psychology? But after 12th you can still take MBBS and become a doctor no? No worries." (Why are you worried?)

It's only been two months and I've been stuck at home, but the amount of times I've heard all this is just surprising.

People should just stick to their business. I don't want to become a doctor. I'm going to become a psychologist or a teacher and an author, of course.

Speaking of becoming an author, I might actually be getting closer to that, but I won't be telling you much about that in this chapter—to keep you on your toes.

I've also had some major changes in mindset. I'll be talking about them in the next chapter. This chapter is only about letting you all know what has happened in the past six months.

Now that I'm done with that, you'll be getting more chapters here after. Look out for them!

I have an insta account now. So, follow me at @sansation_verses . It's a poetry account.

That's it for today. Have a great day! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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