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"Well I need a shower," Kimberly informed collapsing onto the lounge in the Common Room.

"Yes you do stinky," Goldie informed plonking next to her.

She punched him in the shoulder, "I think we all do," Mary informed as she sat down on the seat as well.

"How's Charms?" Neon asked sitting down also with Kid sitting on his feet.

"I am fine," Charms informed coming from behind him, "why do you ask?"

Neon blushed, "I-I-I..."

Kimberly softly hit her, "don't be mean, Charms," she giggled seeing Neon's reaction.

Charms kissed him on the cheek, "You lucky bug," she said as she walked around him and sat on the lounge, she gave Kid a pat on the head, "your little home must be tricky," she informed, "caused me to have a seizure," she informed hugging Kid's head. Kid let off a breathless laugh when she was forced to fall back. She practically squeaked as she stood up and practically hugged Charms. Charms smirked as she picked Kid up and placed her on her lap. Kid snuggled into her shoulder, glad she was okay.

Charms sniffed once on Kid and leaned over and sniffed Mary, "you guys smell like sea salt," she went wide eyed, "was there a beach there!?"

Mary nodded, "yep, and you missed it."

Charms frowned and rolled her eyes. "Well, while you guys boil in your sweat, I'm gonna go shower," Kimberly informed standing and stretching. With that she walked out of the room.

Mary nodded, "I think I'm going to too," she stood up and followed Kimberly.

Charms shrugged, "I could go for a shower, you Kid?"

Kid shrugged and nodded, she had never had a shower before coming here, it felt weird on her head the last time she had one, and how to control the taps were annoying as well. It was hard to fix without burning or freezing herself.

"Have fun showering then," Neon said bluntly sitting next to Goldie.

"What's with girls and being so picky with how clean they are?" Goldie asked, "or why do they go to the bathrooms together?"

"Think of us as monkeys," Charms called, "we like to groom each other."

Neon and Goldie stared unblinkingly before them as their thoughts went to the dirtiest things imaginable that made Neon cringe and Goldie continue to stare with a blank and almost horrified face. Charms just smirked as she walked towards the showers with the other girls.


The girls made their way to the bathroom and showers. It was a large room with blue and white tiles. There were four showers side by side on the right side of the room, each armed with a blue curtain, on the left side there was a large spa that acted as a bath as well. On the side there was a long wooden bench with hooks on them, much like washrooms at sporting centres.

Charms closed the door to the bathroom to keep any of the boys from coming in.

Kimberly was quick to strip herself by the bench; she was now dressed in undergarments alone. She allowed her wings to spill out from her back and droop slightly.

She's got a cute figure, Kid somehow found herself thinking. She dismissed the thought as Charms copied, each putting their clothes on the bench. Unlike Charms and Kimberly, Mary retreated to the shower straight away to get out of her clothes.

"What's the matter, Mary? You shy?" Charms called smirking.

Mary growled as she hugged her bare stomach behind the curtains. She took off her undergarments and dropped them outside the curtains and was sure not to look at her body when she was washing her bare skin. Mary didn't have an ugly body, on the contrary she's quite attractive, and she wasn't very self-conscious as a rule, but her stomach and breasts were covered in a few mazes of light scars. Her hands softly followed one line that stretched from the bottom of her navel to the top edge of her left breast. The hot water made the scars tingle slightly. She soon heard the ringing of the other showers going off when Kimberly got in the shower.

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