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Neon sat on the airship, the ground long gone by the time he willed himself to look out the window.

The news had brought great annoyance to all of the agents and great outrage to each of them. "We can't send Kid back!" Jesse yelled at his boss.

"She's all by herself now! We can't leave her there on her own!" Goldie yelled himself.

Neon looked down to his lap and watched as Kid still remained asleep. Turns out all of the things attached to Kid didn't keep her asleep, they made sure she was okay.

"We understand this, agents. But we don't have any choice," Harold informed.

"Keep her here! Protect her here! We won't let her outside! We'll supervise her! Treat her as fragile as a bloody foetus for all I care!" Kimberly snapped. "We can't just leave her trapped there alone! She has nobody there anymore!"

Neon laced his hands through Kid's hair, a shaky breath forced as he looked to the window.

"Kimberly..." Mary said touching her shoulder. "Think logically here... Kid is safer at her island than with us, than anywhere else. That island jammed radio waves and could actually help Kid control her erratic brainwaves..." Mary sounded choked but continued. "She may be alone Kim, but she'll be safe and at least well..."

Neon played with the ribbon in Kid's hair lazily, finding the uneven ends both annoying and reassuring all in one go.

"How the hell can you say that?!" Goldie snapped, his physical anger getting the better of him as he pushed Mary against the wall almost violently.

"Think Goldie! What they're saying makes sense." She grabbed his arm and pushed him off her. "Kid is now out cold and probably very confused and frightened because of what she just tried to do to Neon... Maybe it would be best for Kid's sake to bring her back home."

Everybody fell silent at her words as Jason's words set in.

Neon was surprised they were all considering this. "This is her home though... she said so before...We're her family, and we can't just abandon her!" Neon managed to wheeze, it was very painful for him to talk.

"Neon... you care about Kid?" the Professor said.

Neon nodded.

The Professor had told Neon about how Kid probably wouldn't be able to control both her own powers and Live's power without hurting herself or other people. He used a guilt trip on Neon, saying that if Kid had ended up hurting him, or Mary, or Goldie, or one of the agents, or potentially even killing one of them, she would never forgive herself and probably hate herself. And since Kid didn't seem to want to pass on part of the power to someone else, sending her back home was the safest option for both Kid and the people around her.

Neon was out of the brace now, but he was still tender around the neck, but he manage to breathe without wincing and cringing.

This was the hardest thing he had to do, and it was even harder for a majority of the agents to stay behind. Goldie, Kimberly, Jesse and Harold stayed at the base. Each giving the sleeping Kid a kiss and a hug before letting her go with Neon, Mary, Jason and the Professor. Neon couldn't believe he was doing this, and was surprised he was so willing to do this.

He was finding it hard not to cry even though they appeared nowhere near the island in question.

He continued to look out the window, hardly acknowledging anybody else around him as the light sky flickered with the specks of approaching dawn.

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