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Cameron and Nicky were in one of the bedrooms, Natalie lying on one of the beds as they looked over her. By now, Cameron had become desensitised to the look of death. Whenever they were in the field it was often his job to look over bodies, Nicky when he's not around.

The girls meanwhile were with some other pieces of evidence, like where she had fallen and what was found there.

Harold was heading to the girls who were still on the ground floor. The mansion was a large place. There was a nice big house but then there was enormousness that bordered on the realm of tedious. Similarly to Jason, Harold's on-look to the humans need for materialistic things was pointless. Everything needed to be new, everything that worked perfectly needed to be perfected or upgraded to have even more pointless things to make them look pretty or more efficient looking.

But unlike Jason, Harold could understand it a little better than Jason and embraced it almost.

Harold continued to walk the halls when he stopped. Someone was following him, and had been for the past few hallways. "Can I help you?" Harold asked as he turned around.

Dominick was at the end of the hallway eating an apple. He took a crunch at it before pushing off the wall he was leaning on and stalked down the hallway after Harold. "Depends."


"Just stuff," Dominick replied. "Surely as a demon you've noticed some odd things in this place."

Harold folded his arms, "Charming, really. And yes, we've noticed, all of us have, and we don't appreciate it from the likes of you."

Dominick chuckled. "What makes you think it's me?"

"You brought it up."

Dominick shrugged, "I come bearing a question. Do you ever envy Jason?" he asked.

Harold raised an eye brow. "I'm choosing not to understand that question. So please rephrase," Harold instructed.

"Don't you ever get annoyed that the company is called 'The Travellers'? And you're name isn't anywhere to be seen?" he asked.

"Well the company wouldn't be taken seriously if we were called 'The Peps', it sounds like some weird drink," Harold informed.

Dominick smirked. "Is there any particular reason other than the name? Are you weaker? Did you do something that makes you inadequate to be the head leader?" he asked. "I mean, here you are as number two."

Harold was a little taken aback by these questions, but he certainly didn't show it. "None of the above. Jason qualified for it better than I did."

"So you admit that he's stronger than you?" he asked.

Harold shrugged. "So what if he is? I can tolerate people better than him, so it evens out."

"How would you like to actually have your powers to match his?" Dominick offered, he took another bite out of his apple.

"Match Jason Traveller?" Harold asked, he was somewhat curious.

"Well you don't want to be second best for the rest of your life, surely? It means you're the first to lose," Dominick said. "It means people will call upon Jason over you."

Harold shrugged, "so?"

"You aren't bothered by the fact that Jason appears to be better than you?" Dominick asked, "Wouldn't you prefer to be better than him? To not be second best."

Harold tilted his head, his hat nearly slipping off his head, but being too stubborn to slip off, "What on earth could you offer me?"

"Don't you remember what a Keeper is capable of?" he asked.

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