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Kid wasn't straining to do what the other performers did, but she was finding it harder to keep up because she had no clue as to what she was doing.

But there was practically nothing she could really do when they tossed her in the air and expected her to do a flip or a spin or some weird form of the flip splits. Then, out of nowhere, the man suddenly wrapped her up in the ribbon she was originally tangled up in and he dropped her.

She yelped in fright on the way down, but also felt motion sickness hit her like a brick wall since the ribbon was forced to spin her out of its ribbon web. She continued falling with violent jerks of spinning until she was only a metre from the ground and was forced to hang upside down by her leg. Her whole world was sent into a sickening vortex of spinning and throbbing, and to make it worse, she was still upside down.

A woman suddenly appeared before her, "you okay, kid?" she asked as she managed to untie her and flip her over. Kid barely managed to stay on her feet as she staggered for a moment. After a quick pat on the head and a short praise from the performer, she quickly scaled up the ribbon to join her other acrobats in the sky.

Kid was more than happy to just stand there looking like she had been huffing something, but her daze of dizziness was cut short when she nearly got run over by one of the floats. Her life was spared by a giant purple monkey with yellow stripes running up its arms. She stared at him, completely and utterly dazed and convinced she was hallucinating that she had been rescued by a stripy monkey.

"Whoa, watch where you're going, kid. We don't want ya getting hurt now," said the muffled voice from beneath the suit. Kid felt herself swaying again, and her stomach threatening to blow chunks. "Stay in school and don't do drugs, kids," he informed turning to the little crowd of kids who had seen his 'heroic' act.

Kid suddenly felt her sickness spike and threaten to fill her cheeks. She needed to find somewhere to throw up!

She attempted to hold it down as she covered her mouth looking for an opening in a crowd.

Meanwhile, in the crowd, the four men had finally spotted their target. She had come down to the ground finally. "Mama Bear 1, Mama Bear 1, this is Goldilocks, please repeat our orders, over," one of the men said into a radio, causing one particular little girl to stare at him oddly.

"Goldilocks, this is Mama Bear 1, our orders are to capture, not kill. That goes for Papa Bear and Baby Bear, clear?" Mama Bear1 asked.

"Clear," was repeated several times over the radio by the Bear Family.

The little girl next to Goldilocks remained staring at him in confused silence. Goldilocks caught her stare and gave her a sneer that caused her to scream in fright and run away.

Kid managed to run through the crowd and got to outskirts of it and leaned against one of the walls and was coughing. She could feel herself wanting to throw up, but now that she had the opportunity, her body refused her to. She continued to cough nevertheless, and when she figured nothing was going to come up, she leaned her back on the wall and rested her hands on her knees in an attempt to keep balance.

She managed to catch her breath and managed to stand up straight without swaying or the world spinning.

But because of this her eyes caught a hold of someone in the crowd watching her. Just that, only watching, and on normal circumstances she would've let it go, but he wasn't staring, he was definitely watching. Her eyes caught site of someone else a little further down the way and soon found one more. She made herself look away from them as she tried to understand the situation.

Her ears twitched as she heard someone behind her. She gasped as she pushed off the wall and turned in the same motion. Just in time to watch a man's hand slam into the wall right where her head had been. There were four of them!

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