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Neon held his hands up in surrender.

Mr Wood smiled, "I can make people do whatever I want, I want," he stated, he sounded like he was glitching, "You really, really, think that I would only, only, only be able to control people in one way?" he asked, he seemed to be laughing, "She's only be under my control since she offered her hair for $100. I control her with my strings and... and... and control her thoughts with my words," he smirked.

Goldie charged at Mr Wood in an attempt to disarm him, but something suddenly slashed into his leg and tripped him over, sending Faith and Kindness sprawled across the ground. He looked to his foot and saw it tangled in some sort of string.

Mr Wood seemed to whisper something into the Mel doll's ear.

Mel clicked the gun into gear and aimed it clear at Neon.

Neon had never seen Mel hold a gun, he didn't know she knew how to load or fire a gun!

Neon attempted to back away from her, but she continued to follow him, mirroring every step. "Mel..." Neon shook his head, "Mel... come on, this isn't you..." he informed, he was trying to make his voice sound steady, "Mel... don't do this. You're stronger than him," Neon stated as he continued to back away. Mel continued to follow him, and showed no sign that she was taking in what he was saying.

She just eventually stopped walking.

"Mel, please. After this I can take you away from here," Neon informed, "Y-you can leave this place behind, you can come with me, you can come with us."

Mel's lip started quivering, "you left me behind before..." Mel replied softly.

Neon had had enough of the place, Gina was gone... the twins were taken away to the Professor and everybody treated him like an outcast once more... all he had left was Mel.

But Neon had been piecing everything together precisely.

The only way to escape was via train, and he knew how to get through the electric fence without getting shocked. He knew the timetable of the trains and knew when he could leave. He had packed everything that day, everything he had to his name, some stale food that was left over to spare and a torch. He looked to the fence that night, in the far distance of the quiet, remote area was the sound of a train tooting.

He had been digging for a long time under the fence, he could finally squeeze through without touching the wiring.

He threw his bag over the fence and crawled through the gap in the hole, but halfway through, making him jump, was Mel yelling after him. "Neon!" she yelled, her little voice getting louder as she called to him, "Neon wait!"

Neon crawled back through and watched as Mel walked up to him, she was huffing and puffing. But she had a look of determination and joy. "Don't leave without me," she said.

Neon was taken aback by these words, "Melody, you're not coming with me," he informed.

Mel frowned, "why not?"

"Just because," Neon replied. Mel had her whole life around here, her family was here; mother, father, siblings, a Grandfather. Her whole life was here and his wasn't, he wasn't going to take her away from it. But despite expressing this, Mel didn't care. She wanted to travel, she wanted to get out of the mud and see the world.

"But Melody..."

"Please Neon, I promise I won't be a problem," she pleaded.

Neon looked to the fencing and sighed, "Are you sure about that Mel?" he asked.

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