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The whole cave was indeed dark, very, very dark. Everybody pulled out their own flashlights and looked around. The walls were a golden orange colour, like Australian sand, but there seemed to be writing etched into the stone, lots of writing and many pictures.

The Professor looked at these, "Kid, what are these?" he asked.

Kid looked at them, she remembered Dominick showing her all of these, and apparently they were past people who use to live here who wanted their memory to be remembered by someone.

Kid walked forwards and ran her fingers over a small carving of a little girl, Dominick had helped her carve this. "Alright my little panda," Dominick said as he allowed her to see.

Kid looked around, the whole cave had been buzzing around with fireflies so that she could see the whole cave without a problem. The whole cave looked mysterious, and so beautiful. He kneeled down beside her and pointed to the walls, "you know the stories I tell you at night? I got a couple of them from here," he informed pointing to the walls, "the people who chose you to be here were once here as well, right where you're standing, and they carved their stories into the walls so they would live on forever and ever," he explained. He suddenly held up what looked like some sort of stick and smiled, "How about we make your story live on forever?" he offered.

Kid smiled as she took hold of the stick and looked to the wall, "W-will Live get to make her story as well?" Kid asked.

Dominick smiled and nodded, "I don't see why she can't. But for now, let's finish yours, shall we?" he offered. He pulled Kid so she was sitting on his knee; his body was against her back as he grabbed her hand and helped her drawing deep enough into the rock to create a mark.

Kid never finished it; she fell asleep halfway through it.

Dominick gave her a smile, a small peck on the side of the head and picked her up, moments later, Kid felt the warmth of her bed under her. She smiled as she felt Dominick press the blankets against her, give her another kiss on the temple and disappeared from her room.

Kid's daze was interrupted by the look of a flash, she watched as the Professor seemed to take pictures.

Neon looked at the writings on the wall; they seemed to stretch up to the ceiling. Neon's torch followed up the wall, then to the ceiling and it travelled to the other wall. But as soon as his torch came to level, the girl stood before him, framed by his torch light.

Her sudden appearance made Neon yell in fright, fall backwards, and drop the torch.

When everybody turned to him, their torches shining on him, the girl was gone.

"You okay, Neon?" Goldie asked picking him up and putting him back down on his feet. Kid picked up the torch and passed it to Neon.

"I just..." Neon shook his head and turned, "I saw a spider. It was hanging in front of my face, gave me a scare."

Kid softly shook her head while the Professor told everybody to face their torches at the wall so his camera could see. Neon looked around with the torch, mainly looking for the girl, but she wasn't anywhere.

Kid followed Mary's torch ray and was standing by her, leaning her weight against her hip and leg, nuzzling her nose into her side. Mary would've been lying if she said she didn't mind knowing Kid was next to her. She had sensed it since she got here, something else was here. But she couldn't tell if it was a danger or not.

Kid's attention was diverted to further down the cave. She gulped as she stood on her own feet and started walking, her being disappearing into the shadows of the cave. Mary turned her attention to Kid and attempted to try and see her, but she was beyond her torch's life. "Kid?" she called looking around.

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