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Mary rubbed her sore wrists, whoever the girl was had a tight grip, and it left hand bruises on her. She tested them out to see if they were okay, they were a bit tender, but would heal quickly.

The thing seemed too real to be a Nightmare, so it must've been a magical child that had wandered onto the stage.

Jason saw the girl and was shocked when he had to run and catch Mary, the other girl seemed to disappear in the darkness. Either that or he missed her.

Which he doubted.

All the performers thought it was just a newbie who walked out at the wrong time, but all the agents afterwards were searching the grounds and scouting out for any other signs of Nightmares or Shades.

Kid and Neon were free to walk around the little carnival they had set up for everybody else in the public.

Neon was honestly a little shell-shocked.

That was Live.

But how the hell had she come back?

How did she get off the island?

Would Kid know?

Kid stood before one of the stalls, too short to look at the things it processed properly and was forced to stand on her toes.

"Umm... Kid...?" Neon managed to say. The whole world was ringing in the laughter of other kids and the playful rings of the games that were about.

Kid looked at Neon over her shoulder and managed a smile, until she sensed he was being serious. She frowned as she looked to Neon and stood before him, wondering what might've been wrong. "That was Live wasn't it?" Neon asked.

Kid froze but looked away from him before making her way down the road of entertainments. It was almost as overwhelmingly pretty as the festival she was in when they were in Delco City. But now, she didn't care, she just wanted to do something, anything, to keep her from answering his question.

He wasn't going to let it up though as he followed her, "Kid." She ignored him to look at what appeared to be a sword swallower. He took the more forceful approach as he grabbed Kid by the waist and simply lifted her up.

She yelped as she thrashed in his grip as he hoisted her over his shoulder and walked away from the crowd. As they managed to walk forwards, Kid's angry grunting soon turned into hysterical giggling as Neon tickled her. She kicked her legs about as Neon eventually dropped her on her feet and kneeled down to her to continue tickling her.

Kid was trying to brush him off, pushing his hands away as she continued to giggle. Neon found himself somewhat laughing as well. He slowly stopped and Kid was panting as she held her sore ribs and got out of her giggling coma.

Kid managed to breathe properly and sighed when Neon repeated his question, "was that Live, Kid?" he asked.

Kid slowly nodded as she bit her lip.

"When did she follow us out here?" Neon asked.

She came with us from the island, Kid informed.

The arrow that shot Kid came to mind. "But... where is she?" Neon asked.

Kid stared at him for a moment, but her gaze shifted, ever so slightly, to behind him and he felt someone behind him. "Right here, sweet heart."

He jumped as he turned around ready to push her away, but nobody stood there. Neon's heart was pounding and he'd be lying if he said a shot of adrenaline hadn't rushed through him. His mind rushed so quickly trying to see where she went, but all he saw were people running about to get to the next stall.

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