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All of the agents had gone to sleep by now, or at least the ones who weren't doing anything did.

Mary was still wearing her tunic, the air was preventing her from sleeping.  She couldn't quite place it though, it was just unsettling.

Mary didn't change out of her tunic, she looked outside and stared at the ground, she could see it quite clearly because of the full moon. The garden was rather nice.

She folded her arms and sighed. "Do you plan on speaking to me or just watching me stare out a window?" Mary asked, in the reflection of the window Jason's reflection came back at her as he a stood next to her and peered out the window.

"You should be asleep."

"And yet I'm not," Mary replied.

"You'll be waking up in a few hours," Jason informed. Mary looked to the time, it was close to nine o'clock. "You'll need all the sleep you can get."

Mary folded her arms, "I'm your apprentice, right?" she asked.

Jason nodded, "yes."

"And that means there should be some degree of trust," she informed turning to him, "so why won't you tell me what's going on?"

Mary's mind couldn't comprehend it until after it happened, Jason had basically picked her up and threw her over to the bed and stood in front of her, his shadow casting down on her body as she laid there bluntly stunned. "Because in truth, even I don't know what is happening. All I know is that the protection of our agents is compromised, and I don't want anything to happen to you or the other agents," Jason explained. He turned his back to her, his tailcoat brushing against her knees from the swiftness of it as he walked to the window again. "Something may happen tonight, and I need you at your best Mary." He peered over his shoulder, "so sleep."

Mary held his stare for a moment before kicking off her shoes and laying her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. "Sir?"


"It's frightening when you're scared sir," Mary informed.

Jason fell silent.

"You've trained us sir, we aren't little children anymore. Whatever scares you we can fight for you now." Jason and Harold had been the families all the agents had never had. They rescued all of them from their old lives and raised each of them when seemingly no one else would. Jason and Harold were their shields from the harshness the world offered, they shielded them from the attacks the world offered, they protected them from things that scared them. Now it was their turn, it was their turn to protect Jason and Harold from what scared them.

No matter how frightening it may be.

Mary felt Jason's presence hover over the top of her, she opened her eyes. Jason was floating above her being like he was lying on air, as her eyes opened, his gloved hand ran over her eye lids until they closed. "Sleep, Mary."

Mary felt him disappear from her personal space.

Jason opened the door and went to leave to endlessly stroll the halls until he hoped for daybreak. Mary's words stopped him from leaving, "Why do you patrol the halls, sir?" Mary asked.

Jason wondered how he should word his answer, whether to be vague or be detailed. "You're aware Harold had a daughter?" Jason asked. Mary nodded. "The reason she doesn't believe in her father, and why Harold doesn't believe in himself as a father, is when she was younger a creature of shadows attempted to kill her to get back at Harold. The creature failed, but took her sight from her at a young age. Harold's story of horror makes me think..." He stepped out of the room, "if anything were to come after you, I would be able to meet them halfway through the walls that surround you."

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