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Kid sat before Dominick in one of the library rooms, altogether there seemed to be about four libraries within the limits of the house. She leaned her back on Dominick's legs as she read from a large book that crushed her lap. Dominick looked to the fire before them and sighed as he was transfixed by the dancing flames of the amber heat.

He found it odd how much he actually missed Kid and Live, but had to admit he was somewhat infuriated Kid didn't listen to him when he told her to get rid of Neon, if she truly cared about him she would've listened. She knew what was coming up and she didn't need some random street thief to distract her, either of them. His eyes remained glued to the flames, long after he knew someone was waiting by the door just watching the two of them sitting there.

Kid noticed too, but if Dominick wanted to talk to them he'd let them in and if they wanted to talk to her they would've already entered.

Eventually whoever it was simply pushed the door opened and walked in.

Mary sat down in a seat on the opposite side of the fire so she was facing them and could see the door. The whole library itself was rather dark considering there was a fire. All the higher up walls were painted in dark shadows that made the books invisible even from her own sight.

Dominick sat up slightly, "Something you wish to talk about?" he asked laying his walking stick around the arms of the chair he sat on.

Mary shook her head, "No. I'm content in just sitting in silence."

Dominick nodded, "alright." He turned his attention back to the fire as Mary observed him, just taking in his image, his very subtle gestures and twitches, but more important she was trying to get into his mind in any way possible, but she was getting nothing. She couldn't apply too much more pressure otherwise he would definitely feel her mental efforts.

But like with Kid, she felt nothing. It was like there was no presence, like there was nothing to find. What the hell is with these people? Mary was getting annoyed.

Dominick's eyes wandered over to Mary, "You shouldn't be poking around, sweetheart." Dominick tilted his head to her. Something suddenly pierced Mary in the head, not on the outside, it was inside. She winced at the sudden sharp pain, but was more shocked by the sudden tenseness she felt. Her lungs felt tight, her breaths were short, and she felt her muscles in her arms twitching. She felt like she had seen or remembered something horrible, just without the memory.

Which she confessed made it a little more frightening.

"You don't know what might be floating around sweetheart," Dominick was on his feet and started walking out of the room. "Come on, Kid."

Kid looked from Mary to Dominick, than to her book. She didn't want to go yet.

Dominick picked up the stick and slammed it against the ground, sending out a loud thud in the ground.

While a muffled thud because of what the ground was made of, Mary observed Kid jumping out of her skin at the sound of it, and scrambling to her feet to follow. When she got close enough, Dominick rested a hand on her back almost protectively.

As soon as they left, Mary was granted the relief of the tension if she wished.

But she held onto it, and managed to balance to her feet and stumbled to the door. She hissed at the tightness in her head as she pushed the door open and wobbled on her feet out of the room and down one of the hallways.

Kid followed Dominick until they got outside, it was still quite bright out. He sat down in the courtyard and sighed as he looked to the clear sky. "I've forgotten what the sky looks like back home," Dominick said laying down on the ground, "does it compare to this?" he asked.

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