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Kid looked out the window of her own bedroom, the feather still laced in her fingers. Over the past few days the Ringleaders seemed to tighten security. That knowledge alone made all the agents on edge and Kid was honestly growing somewhat frightened herself.

Neon and Kid had accidently walked in on Nicky making altercations on some of the hall-bots, adding weapons and odd shields to the hall-bots. All the other agents seemed to know something the two of them didn't.

And in a way they did, in all the years they've been at the base, they were attacked twice, and each time Jason and Harold set up extra security. Something must've been on its way for them to feel hostile enough to set up more security.

Neon didn't like it, what was coming?

Kid didn't seem too effected by it as she remained looking out the window. Night time was beginning to loom over everything. She soon closed her eyes and was intent on listening, trying to understand why everybody was so frightened, trying to figure out what was coming, but her hearing was beyond whatever must've been coming.

We can call upon the senses. Live wanted to know as well.

Kid nodded as she sat down on the ground and seemed to start meditating. Neon was sitting on her bed and watched her sit down.

He watched as the window lock started to turn and soon clicked open, and the window was pushed out. Neon frowned as he watched this.

Kid managed to slow everything down and call upon her double senses. Her heart beat slowed down, her mind slowing down and only her ears and closed eyes were functioning. She could hear everything close and was slowly travelling outwards. She could see how far her hearing was getting, anything that made noise set of vibrations in the air, the vibrations bounced off objects, giving Kid an almost perfect look of the area the noise was around.

Kid couldn't hear anything that was suspected of being a threat, other than what appeared to be a cat in the forest outside the base walls. Kid was about to abandon it, but she heard it, it was a long way off, but she heard it. It sounded like a lot of the same things rushing through the branches and bushes.

It frightened Kid and she reacted almost violently, falling over and covering her ears.

Her sudden fear made Neon stand up and kneel beside her. "Are you okay?" Neon asked.

Kid gulped as she looked to Neon, she looked pale and frightened as she looked at her somewhat frightened. You're going to need your gun, Neon.


Mary stood before her window, she was playing with the gun attached to her arm as she looked out to the forest. Kimberly and Goldie were similar as they looked to the darkness also, Kimberly playing with her magic while Goldie had an oversized axe at his feet.

Cameron and Charms were in their own room, each beyond the realm of sleep. Charms' bow and arrows already set up on her back while Cameron held onto his own book, its stories tell of violent warriors and paranoid soldiers armed with guns.

Jesse, recently coming of his animalistic mindset, was in the animal room where all of the Traveller's animals were stored. All the animals had been released and roamed around Jesse. A tiger growled and hissed at Jesse and swiped at the mouse he held. Jesse grunted as he stood up, pulled his whip from his belt and threatening flicked it at the tiger, making it hiss in anger. Jesse repeated, this time hitting it on the nose followed by a wolf growl, making it obey the rule.

Jesse looked around to all of the animals and growled at them.

Both the Ringleaders stood at the tallest rooftop of the base and looked around them. "Do you know what's coming?" Jason asked.

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