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When the girls got back with Goldie, Neon and Noah had been fighting about something. Neon was fine to just verbally conflict with his old friend, but out of nowhere Noah suddenly crash tackled him.

Neon was about as useful in a physical fight as a stick bug. He slipped on his goggles to keep him from punching his eyes, and just simply attempted not to get beaten up too much.

Goldie quickly raced to Neon's rescue.

Ava simply giggled as Goldie managed to yank the two of them apart; pinning Neon to the ground with his leg and holding Noah clear off the ground with one of his other arms.

Ava was impressed by Goldie's strength.

But even with strength, Goldie found it difficult to keep the bickering boys apart. Neon was now bad-mouthing Noah and soon they were both fighting through Goldie to get to each other. Goldie yelled out in surprise as became part of the scuffle.

Ava laughed, "Neon hasn't changed a bit," she stated smiling.

Kid was honestly worried about this, but seeing Ava's calmness, she guessed this situation wasn't a horrible one.

Ava seemed to see Kid's momentary shock, "don't worry about it. Noah once pushed Neon up a tree and Neon threw sticks at him from the ground."

Kid tilted her head in an attempt to ask why.

Ava smirked, "Noah did that because Neon was flirting with me."

Kid was surprised, Neon flirted?

He blushed at the simple touch of someone and was so uncomfortable when girls were too close to him. Ava smirked, "I take it he doesn't flirt that much anymore," she stated smirking, "we were tweens, he was just learning and my brother is very protective of his twin."

Kid smirked as she watched Neon literally piggyback Goldie in an attempt to reach Noah.

"I'm just glad the two of them are happy to see each other," she stated leaning back, "when he left I honestly thought I'd never see him again. Him and those ridiculous goggles." She chuckled, "it's nice to see him after what happened."

Kid was waiting for an explanation.

Ava didn't disappoint when she saw Kid's silent question, "Neon came around when he fell out of some slave truck, my mother Gina just came home with him one day, announced we had a new member of our family. He seemed to fit in after a while," she stated smiling, "when we first met him he was the weird little boy, never spoke a word, took a lot for him to eat, months for him to trust any of us. It's nice to see him the way we left him," Ava stated, "when we first met him he use to have fits and tantrums whenever someone tried to get close to him. He only calmed down with an odd little song my mother use to sing to him, to all of us."

Kid kneeled and nudged her to sing it.

Ava smirked as she looked to Neon and Noah again. She started softly humming, mumbling the words as if she had forgotten them. And in a way she had, for years she had known the song off by heart, but nobody sang the song to her anymore and it was slowly beginning to slip her mind. It was an odd little lullaby Ava's mother use to sing to all the kids, her own and the adopted ones. As far as she was concerned, her mother had made it up, but it was soothing to listen to.

It was about how the world, while it can be unfair at times, there were still some nice things in it. She made up a verse about how if all else failed, if the world was coming to an end, if there was nobody left to love you, you could always run back to her, run into her arms and she would always be there to hold you in an embrace.

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