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Neon went wide eyed, and froze where he stood, "umm... sorry, wrong house."

He continued walking without looking at Ava. Kid was struggling in his grip as he attempted to walk away from the one person he came here to make sure was okay.

He was soon out of sight of hearing range as he kneeled down to Kid and growled, "Kid, you don't just knock on someone's door!" he hissed quietly, "I don't want to see them, I just want to make sure they're okay because you decided to completely freak me out with her screaming and yelling."

He sighed through his nose as he rubbed his temples, his anger seemed to be funny to Kid.Neon glared at her for a moment at her smirk and her smothered giggles, he rolled his eyes as he grabbed Kid and yanked her with him so he could head back to the airship.

But when the two got back, Goldie was standing there, along with the boys he had been kicking the ball around with, and they all seemed to be staring at a giant hole in the side of the airship.

Neon went wide eyed, "what the freaking hell happened?" Neon almost yelled.

"I... broke the airship... slightly," Goldie confessed shrugging, "I was playing soccer with the boys and then I kicked it really hard and it hit the airship... it ate the ball!" he said.

One of the boys laughed, "It was wicked as!" he exclaimed.

"So cool!" another added.

Neon rubbed his temples, "how are we meant to get out of here now?" Neon asked as Kid climbed up the side of the airship and sat on the edge of the hole, if they attempted to fly in this they would fall out of the sky.

"I can fix it, just give me a day or two and it'll be up and working in no time," Goldie informed patting the side of it.

The whole thing wobbled and Kid yelped as she fell inside the airship. Neon groaned and sighed at his luck... of freaking course they had to stay the night.Neon was mainly curious as to where they would be able to stay.

"You never were good at playing hide-and-seek," someone giggled, Neon suddenly felt someone hug him from behind and nearly send him falling over. Ava giggled in his ear as she tightened her grip around him, "I know those stupid little goggles anywhere," she said peeling herself off him.

Neon turned to her, completely blushed. She smirked, "even as we were kids you always blushed when someone hugged you," she pinched his cheek, "nothing's changed."

Neon pulled her hands from her face, "hi Ava," he greeted smiling awkwardly.

Ava smiled back, "haven't seen you in a while. You're looking good, finally became a thief?" she asked.

Kid spilled out of the airship, when she had fallen in she landed on her butt but her head was sent into an endless supply of dizzy spells."And who's this?" Ava asked walking over to Kid, Ava loved children, almost as much as Gina did.

Kid didn't really see her... well... not one of her, several of hers really.

Ava found the albino Kid cute as she picked her up and twirled her. Kid let off a squeal of giggles as Ava laughed as well. Ava wasn't used to seeing such clean, white hair.

"Umm... that's my friend Kid," Neon informed.

Ava smirked, "well, hello, Kid," she greeted resting her on her hip, "My name is Ava Empire."

Kid shook her hand, comparing the two, Kid's hands were still tiny. Ava whistled when she looked at the airship, "Well isn't this a bit fancy," she stated, "I overheard you guys would need a place to stay for the night."

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