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It was late by the time their expedition had been completed. Everybody felt dirty, cold and half-bombed. Mary's little brother really was young when he died, and it had been a while, they could hardly gain any blood from his little corpse.

Jason approached them, "Did you get the blood?"

Kimberly nodded as she took off a necklace with a clear vile of thick, old blood. "There wasn't much there," she confessed as she passed it to Jason. Jason nodded as he looked at the blood, despite the littleness of it, there was enough. He praised his agents but said no more as he went to the Common Room to get the elf.

When he had walked in, she was fiddling with Kid again, she seemed to have brought some sort of kit with her.

All the agents were honestly shocked by the sudden distress that was within Jason's calming voice. "You do the remedy now," Jason informed throwing the necklace to the elf. She caught it with her hand and looked at it for a moment, "You look at Kid later. Now follow," he instructed turning and walking away from the elf.

The elf didn't make an attempt to follow as she examined the blood for a moment, but Jason's voice rang out in a loud booming voice that made everybody jump or yelp. "Now!" he demanded.

The elf was suddenly shot across the room and was in the hands of Jason, his hand was screwed into a fist around the chest of her blouse. "While you are under the roof of the Travellers you'll obey what the Ringleaders say," he said in a calm and low voice, like the outburst hadn't happened at all. "Am I clear?"

Kid hugged Neon's side at how frightening Jason was being and even let off a whimper. While all the other agents had seen this side of Jason, and much worse, they knew it wasn't best for the elf to defy Jason.

The elf attempted to pull herself out of his grip but failed. "Am I clear?" he repeated.

She glared at him, "transparently."

With that, he released her and turned to lead the way. The other agents didn't hesitate to follow, and the young thief and the Representative were quick to follow behind them. Once back down to Mary, Harold was already there, and she was glaring at him from the corner of the window. Her face was casted in shadows but it was clear she wasn't showing her emotions.

"So what's the plan after the remedy had been applied?" the elf asked as she seemed to crack her knuckles. Upon seeing the elf, Mary seemed to shift her gaze and back off slightly. She started softly tapping her right hand on the back of her left as she backed off, her face taking the expression of a cocky challenge as she started simply walking around repeating the pattern she was tapping.

"What is she doing?" Neon asked.

"She's daring me," the elf explained as she took off her belt. "Hair please," she requested.

Harold passed them to her.

With the blood and the hair in one hand she walked to the table and started mixing them with other liquids she had brought with her. The colour of the concoction changed from red, to blue and finally stayed at pink. The elf pressed it to her lips and started muttering something in her own language, she seemed to kiss it and rose to her feet. "Are you coming in with me?" she asked.

"I'm sure you'll have more fun by yourself," Harold replied bluntly.

She gave him a smirk of her own and pat his chest on her way past, "Wouldn't be the first time, big guy."

Everybody fought a smirk.

The elf pushed opened the door and walked in. Mary didn't make an advance, but she didn't retreat. She had stopped her annoying tapping.

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