Nowhere To Go ✨Avengers✅ - 7 Mar 21

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You were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the third member of Strike Team Delta—a team of three people, you, Nat, and Clint—when you were asked to join the Avengers, along with your teammates. While Nat was assigned Tony and Clint was in New Mexico, you were busy dealing with Hulk and Captain Rogers, as well with helping out the other two occasionally. You were there for the Battle of New York and the events leading up to it, as well as moving into the Avengers tower when it was built.

You had come to care for your teammates, seeing them as the family you never had—you were taken in as a ward when S.H.I.E.L.D. found you all those years ago. But now, you had a place, a home, a family.

And it was about to all go down the drain.


You sit at the table with your 'family', eating. It's rare that everyone ate supper together, but today is closer to 'everyone' than usual, as only Thor is missing. Even Tony is present.

The five of you are eating when you excuse yourself to use the bathroom. Everyone else continues when your phone buzzes to Tony's right. You've left it face-up, so he sees the text come through. It's from a blocked number, and reads, "You've got one day left, or they're gone."

Tony's surprise and confusion must show on his face, because Nat asks, "What is it?"

Tony shakes his head, showing it to her. Nat furrows her brow, popping another piece of chicken in her mouth. "Clint? Do you know what this is about?"

The archer leans over, reads it, and shrugs. "Beats me."

"Let me see," Bruce says. Clint takes it from Tony's hand and passes it to the scientist. His eyes widen. "Does that seem vaguely threatening to anyone?"

"What does it say?" Steve asks. Bruce reads it aloud. "Yeah, it sounds a little more than threatening."

"Hold on, guys, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves," Clint puts in. "What if it's... Coulson, asking if he should get rid of her stuffed animal collection from when she was a kid?"

Everyone stares at him incredulously. Nat grabs the phone back from Bruce as she chastises, "No, Clint, you really think Coulson is going to be in her phone as 'Unknown'? She has cuter nicknames for Fury."

Tony points at her. "That," he begins, eating another noodle, "is not what I thought you would say. Is anyone else wondering why Coulson would have Y/n's old stuffed animal collection?"

Clint and Nat share a glance. "That thing was fucking huge," Clint finally says. Nat just rolls her eyes, unlocking your phone.

"We can do that? Why didn't we do that earlier?" Tony continues. Nat shakes her head, but upon hearing footsteps, she shuts the phone off and places it where it was earlier. "So yeah," she says, eating another bite, "we were- oh hey, Y/n."

She cuts herself off from the story she was never telling as you take a seat, unaware of what happened. The conversation lulls as you eat, but quickly revives. Eventually, Steve—being an old grandpa who goes to bed early—asks what time it is, causing you to check your phone. The team watches you discreetly as they continue to talk and you read the text.

Your face pales for a second but you quickly recover, plastering the fakest smile ever across your face. You're a good actress, but the others know you too well to fall for that.

"So, what time is it?" Steve prods, as everyone waits for you to tell them about the text.

You don't.

You answer the question, and as you turn your phone off and set it down, the others exchange looks—to which you are oblivious. You sit through the rest of the meal, eating and faking a smile and laughs, but you are far more reserved than usual and more than a little off. Everyone notices, but no one presses.

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