Forbidden Compassion ✨ Daniel Sousa

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Y/f/n - your father's name


You aren't supposed to help him—that much is clear. Not that it isn't usually.

Most of the men taken are either other gang members or cops—but all are corrupt, or quickly made so. But this man, this man is different. He has stuck out and, even at gun point and threat of torture, he hadn't budged.

Then again, death wasn't too hard to be unafraid of, in your experience, and he hasn't actually been tortured—not yet. Although you get the feeling that he'll stick it out, that he's strong, time will tell if he lives up to your impression.

When you are proved right, you know what you must do. No matter the cost. And you know for a fact that the cost will be great, seeing as how you are the leader's daughter.

In other places, that would give you a certain immunity. Here, it meant that whatever the usual punishment would be, would be dealt out thrice over when it comes to you. Your father is strict enough with his men—but you, you are his heir, the person being trained to take his position. To do so, your father pushes you harder than others.

As you stare into the man's cell through a small, one-way scope, you turn to your father. "Why's he here?"

Your father is businesslike in tone as he responds. "He got too close to the operations. And he's a cop. Apparently, he was investigating something else and would've probably missed us, but some idiots decided to take him in, and now he knows of our existence."

Despite being one of the greatest crime lords in Los Angeles, your father is essentially a shadow. He has been able to make all deaths and activity look like that of either other gangs (without framing them with enough evidence) or individuals. No cops, except now, know of your existence. And this one has been rather stubborn in his refusal to comply--something your father appreciates under different circumstances--and if he gets out, so does your secret.

He has been tortured, waterboarded, and more. The man--who you now know to be Chief Daniel Sousa of the Los Angeles SSR--would never let this go, much less join you. As it was, he was an asset; one that your father would probably keep alive, unless pressed by the SSR's investigation to kill him and make the death look like it was related to something else. Basically, unless his position forces your father to, he will stay alive.

As such, you have the foresight to realize it won't be too much longer until that happens. Not that it matters to your father, the bloodshed, but it does to you. Especially this man; he is one with morals, something you never see anymore.

So, you make the decision--one that you might die for as a consequence, and at the least be punished harshly for, worse than anything you have seen yet in your life--to help him. To help this random man, who you have never met in your life. Why? You can't say. Maybe it's intuition, maybe it's reckless adrenaline, maybe it's just forbidden compassion. Whatever it is, you're doing it.

It doesn't take you that long to devise a plan. When your father is in his office, on the opposite side of the place, you take your chance. Thankfully, the training room is in the same wing as the holding cells (partially because the latter was utilized often in training). And even better, the point of today's training, it being a Tuesday, is sneakery. You have a schedule for different days--Monday is hand-to-hand, Tuesday is sneakery, Wednesday is aim accuracy, Thursday is interrogation, and so on and so forth, every day of the week including weekends. You are also forced to regularly practice ballet and dance, and learn singing and acting--you might be almost 25, but your father, as your boss, still dictates your life.

So, it turns out that the schedule you loathe so much actually plays into your plans perfectly. You manage to sneak unnoticed into the room in which Daniel Sousa is being held.

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