Two Lies and a Truth (Pt. 2) ✨ Clint x Stony!Reader

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CW: Abusive behavior/assault (very minor; unwanted hug)


"Hello," you greeted with a smile as you opened the door. When you saw who it was, though, your face dropped.

"Hey, (y/n)," Bruce said.

"Come in," you opened the door wider, a false smile on your face. You surprised the bile that rose in you as Clint walked through awkwardly, leading the trio to the living room.

"Please, sit." You gestured to the sofas. "What can I do for you?"

"We-" Bruce was interrupted by your four year old.

"I thought you said you were ready to go?" She whined.

"Excuse me," you told Bruce, walking over to talk to your daughter and leading her out of sight into the hallway. "Hey baby, can you go wait in your room for me?" You whispered, crouching down to her level. "There is a mean man in the living room and two nice people with him, but I don't want the mean man hurting you."

She nodded and buried her face in your chest as she hugged you before turning to run back to her room. You plastered another smile on your face before walking back to the living area. "You were saying?"

"Umm..." Bruce gestured to the hallway awkwardly. "Is that your daughter?"

You stiffen. "Yes, yes it is," you respond coldly. Clint just stares at you, mouth agape, as you avoid his eyes.

"Lady (y/n), you never told us you had birthed an heir!" Third voice boomed. You took a second to give him a hug.

"Indeed I have, Uncle Thor. Oh, and there are Pop-Tarts in the kitchen if you want some." His eyes lit up and he ran off. "Just don't touch the snacks on the counter!" You call after.

As he is gone, you sink into the seat he vacated, head in your hands. You look up at Bruce. "Did Dad tell you?" Your voice is on the edge of tears.

He shook his head slowly. "Not directly. I overheard your conversation."

You massaged your temples, exhaling. "Oh god." A moment of silence passed. "I'm sorry, Uncle Bruce, I just was worried that you wouldn't keep it on the downlow if you knew. Same with Dad, that's why I didn't tell him. I mean, I didn't tell Pop for two years, he didn't know until Soph was around one. I convinced him not to tell Dad for three years, but eventually we let the cat out of the bag, and now I'm wondering if I should've told him." You lunch the bridge of your nose and shake your head. "I mean, I know I should have, but..." your voice trails off.

Bruce hugs you awkwardly, nodding sympathetically. "Does Nat know?" He asked eventually. You laugh sadly.

"She's the only one who has always known. She helped me run away, and we stayed in contact. She was the one who wore me down on Pops, and tried to help me talk to Dad."

"So, how old is your daughter?" Clint asks slowly. You bristle, your semi-calm demeanor immediately changing to a cold and aloof one.

"Four, if you must know, Clint." You can't hold back a biting tone.

"Hey, that's around Nathaniel's age!" Bruce exclaims, looking happily between the two. "They could have play dates!" He becomes confused at the almost palpable tension between you two as you stare each other down.

Clint is the first to look away, guiltily. He and Nat are the only ones who know the full story, although your fathers have figured out the gist of it. Bruce, on the other hand, is confused and completely oblivious—and Thor isn't even present.

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