Ты Знаешь Последствия (You Know The Comsequences) ✨ Bucky✅ - 25 Jan 2021

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You sit at the island in the kitchen, waiting on your pizza to finish heating in the microwave. Your head rests on your hand as you fight to keep your eyes from dropping.

Your boyfriend, Bucky, walks in and wraps his muscular arms around you. You lean into his chest, breathing in his scent. "Mhmm," you murmur, "I thought you were going on the mission?"

"I got out of it. Wanted to spend some time with my best girl." He grins down at you.

"Well," you begin, standing up and moving to the e microwave as it beeps, signaling the completion of your food, "why don't you go set up a movie and I'll heat up some popcorn?"

"I like the way you think, doll," Bucky agrees, heading to the living room. You grab the bag of microwavable popcorn, too lazy to make some yourself right now, and as you wait for it to pop, your phone rings.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Привет." (Hello)

You stiffen at the voice and language, switching to Russian yourself. "Почему ты позвонил?" (Why have you called?)

"Ты опоздал." (You are late)

"Мне нужно больше времени." (I need more time)

"Тебе дали больше времени. Крайний срок перенесён—у вас есть время до сегодняшнего вечера в полночь." (You have been given more time. The deadline has been pushed back—you have until tonight at midnight.)

With that, they hang up, not allowing you a chance for rebuttal. The unspoken words hang over you—you know the consequences if you don't follow through.

Indeed, you do. If you don't accomplish your mission by midnight tonight, you become another Bucky—a mindless, memory less asset who has been brainwashed and mentally beaten countless times.

Your mind thinks back to the book hidden in your room. The red star on the face of the cover gives it away as one belonging to HYDRA, and the contents of it are no better than you would expect for coming out of the group.

It contains the trigger words for the Winter Soldier, James Buchanan Barnes. Basically, it's a choice: either you control him, or are turned into him yourself.

Your deadline is midnight tonight; you have five good hours. Five hours to enjoy the last few minutes you can with your boyfriend. But first, you have to destroy the book. You are the only person who has the words—if the book goes, and you go, then there's no one left to trigger Bucky, no way for them to take him again.

Thankful again that only you two are left in the compound, you grab the popcorn and pizza and head out to where Bucky sits, movie queued on the tv.

You set them down, before telling him you have to go to the bathroom. When you head to your room and not the regular bathroom, he asks you about it.

"I have to go get... hygenical products," you lie quickly.

"It's that time?" Bucky asks, concerned. You laugh.

"Pads aren't the only part of feminine hygiene, Buck. I'm grabbing panty liners."

"Oh." He blushes deeply, first at 'pads' and then even worse later on.

You head upstairs, shaking your head fondly at his antics. Once you have shredded the book and then incinerated it, using self control and not bombing your room for good measure, you go back downstairs.

If it's going to be your last night with your boyfriend, you are going to enjoy the fuck out of it.


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