Let's Hope You Don't Die ✨ Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

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A/n: sorry about all the pregnancy ones lol


You pace in your room in the Tower, trying to figure out what to do. Two lines stare up at you on the pregnancy test you took.

Finally, you decide to rip the bandage off and tell your unborn child's father—Queen's very own Peter Parker. You and he can figure out what to do after.

So, you put it in your purse with your phone, and grab your keys. Your dad glances up as you leave, but you just tell him you're going out and will be back soon before he can ask.

Your dad, the illustrious Tony Stark, nods and goes back to whatever he was doing. You relax once the elevator doors close behind you—your pregnancy was not a topic you wanted to discuss right then. Depending on what you and Peter decide, it might be a topic you never even end up breaching.

After the drive to Queens, you pull up at the apartment complex. You knock on the door of Peter and his aunt's apartment, and Aunt May opens the door.

"Hey Aunt May," you greet with a tired smile, hugging her. She reciprocates, before pulling back and holding you at arm's length as she looks you over.

"Well, someone's glowing," she mutters with a knowing look. You look down at your feet in shame. Aunt May pulls you back on for another hug. "It's okay. You're okay."

She holds you for a second, until you pull back, eyes shining with halted tears. "Is Peter here?" You ask.

She shakes her head. "He's on patrol, but should be back any second now."

You nod, moving to Peter's room where you sit contemplatively. You only wait for like five minutes before he enters, crawling on the ceiling before dropping down to change.

"Hey," you greet him as he does so. He looks up, surprised, before moving to change. It's nothing you haven't seen, after all.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asks, genuinely surprised. You fidget nervously, but take a deep breath. Just rip the bandage off.

"I'm... pregnant," you whisper. He drops his shirt in his hand, turning to look at you like a deer in headlights. Put the bandage on. Bandage on. BANDAGE ON.

"But..." his voice trails off. "We used protection, is it mine? Are you cheating on me?"

You laugh bitterly, without humor. "No, I would never cheat on you, Peter. I love you. There's an 18% margin of people who get pregnant even when they use the contraception that we did, so I guess I'm one of the lucky 18."

He sits on his bed slowly, head in his hands. You give him a minute to process, before he speaks, looking up at you. "What are we gonna do?"

"Well, there's abortion, and there's keeping it, and adoption. I don't want to put it up for adoption, so that narrows it down to abortion or raising it."

"And if you choose to keep it..."

"You can help parent or not, your choice. But if I don't abort it, then you make your choice and either stay or go. I'm not going to hurt my child with an on and off father."

He sighs, running a hand over his face as he leans back with a groan. "What do you want to do? Keep it or abort it?"

You hesitate. "I mean, I know most people would kill it, but I've already become... attached. That's my baby in there. Our baby, if you want. But, I will get an abortion if you think it's necessary."

Peter stands and moves to sit by you, placing a careful hand on your abdomen, as if afraid of hurting the baby or you. "No, we can do this together. Right?"

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