One Final Goodbye (Pt. 3) ✨ Clint Barton

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Liam-Alexander ;) I know you didn't request it, but I thought you might enjoy so...
A/n: Romanogers is mentioned in here because they are OTP and if you disagree I swear I will FIGHT YOU ᥴꪮꪑꫀ ꪖ𝓽 ꪑꫀ ᥇𝓲𝘴ꫝ



Your POV:
You slam the punching bag as hard as you can, trying to get all your pent-up rage out. You curse as the bag broke, breathing heavily, and move on to the next one.

It has been approximately three years since you broke up with Clint. Around two years after leaving the avengers facility, you were captured by Hydra. And today? Today is the anniversary of that day when everything went down the drain.

It has been one full year since that fateful day. One. Full. YEAR. You can't even expect the avengers to come find you, to hunt you down and save you; as far as they know, you're dead.

Only Steve knows. And being a man of his word, you know he won't break your trust. Dammit, (y/n), you mentally berate yourself, why'd you have to leave?

But you know why you had to leave, and as long as it means keeping Clint safe, you wouldn't go back and change it if you had the choice.

"(Y/l/n)." Your superior's voice startles you from your workout and you turn to him.

"Percy," you respond respectfully. He isn't someone you like, but you know from experience that being rude will only make you have to be around him longer.

"New job." He passes you a file. "You up for it?"
Your eyes quickly scan over it. A simple transport mission. Biting your lip, you look up, nodding.
With that, he leaves, and you set the file on the bench with a sigh, sitting next to it. You lay your head in your hands, mentally cursing the bastard.

You have, over the past year, learned how to read people without your powers. You had been forced to. They had trained you, sapping you of energy, making you powerless, and forced you to learn to do such things manually. They no longer make you wear the cuff that drained you, but everyone above you wears a small pin on their suits that blocks you from trying to do anything. And as a result of such training, you know Percy isn't telling you all of the mission's details.

You picked up the file and headed back to your room, exhausted. You were losing energy, and you knew it. You had learned a while ago that you were fueled by a life force, and it was used up. Small things, like walking, eating and breathing, weren't that big of a deal. Working out, training? Took more, but still not too much. But using your powers—that was a whole other level entirely.

The cuff you had worn had drained you of a lot of life force, but no more than continually using your powers would have.

One might wonder, you used to be avenger; you hate Hydra; so why the fuck are you working for these bastards?

One would have to agree with you there. They were bastards (especially Percy) but you had no hope of ever getting out unless you gained their trust. It would only be then that you could escape.

So, you went along. You pretended you didn't care about the avengers anymore, proved by the fact that you had left them. What they didn't know, is that you knew they had been chasing me down since before then, and that that was part of why you left Clint all that while ago.

As it was, your only missions so far had left you without having to take casualties, thankfully—an upside that was most likely not to last much longer. You're worried, though, that this mission will be the one to change that. The sad part is, how right you were about it.

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