Dead Avengers x ?Reader - 3 Feb 21

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reader commits sewerslide

Reference (not mine, delete later):
"Scaring her isn't going to get you anywhere, Tony," Nat pleaded.

"Maybe it will!" Tony yelled, "The afterlife is not like the movies, Y/N! I don't get to check up on Morgan whenever I want! Do you know what I get? Moments. Little moments where I can feel them in the same place that I am, moments that I can almost hear them. Just moments. Then they move on and I want them to. I want Pepper to find love again, I want Morgan to..." Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, "I want them to move on. You will want them to move on, but it'll hurt. It will hurt like hell."

"But you have the chance to change that," Nat added. "You have the chance to change your destiny, you just have to-"

"Talk to us," a familiar voice said, you knew this voice way too well. You turned around to see Steve standing there, arms crossed, and a disappointed smile on his face.

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