Cheater, Cheater ✨ Peter Parker

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A/n: I know, Peter is a cinnamon rol and would never do this to you, he's such an innocent smol bean 🥺
Also some SamBucky!Content bc omg they are amazingggg

Italics are either thoughts or flashbacks.


You bound up the steps to Peter's apartment, excited to surprise your boyfriend. Due to his school and Spider-Man duties, as well as your school and (superhero/name) duties, the two of you haven't had much time to spend together. So, you picked up two large cupcakes from his favorite bakery, as well as a coffee for him and iced berry hibiscus tea with lemonade for you.

You have with you your backpack, filled with schoolwork, and your superhero costume—so regardless of which thing he needs to do, you're prepared and can multitask, going on a date and getting work done.

May is out at work, but you've come over to the place so often that for Christmas last year she gave you a key. So, you are able to get in, even if it was locked—which it isn't, since Peter is home.

You set the drinks on the counter and walk into the living room, cupcakes in hand. Since Peter isn't there, you go to check his bedroom.

You hear quiet moans, which momentarily gives you pause—but you shake it off, telling yourself, you're just imagining it. Peter would never do that to you.

But when you open the door to see your boyfriend eating out of your best friend, MJ, you realize that, apparently, he would.

You drop the cupcakes, alerting them to your presence, before running out, drinks forgotten on the island. As you run, you hear Peter apologizing to MJ, telling her that he was confused too because his spidey-senses didn't tell him you were there.

As you run down the stairwell, you pass May coming in from work. "Y/n? What's wrong?" She asks.

"Ask Peter," you call back, unable to tell her without your voice cracking. Tears well up in your eyes, but you battle them, pushing them back down.

You finally stop running, finding yourself in an area of Queens that you don't often go unless there is something that needs both you and Peter. You curse as you realize you left your backpack at Peter's, but are thankful that you have your suit. You change quickly, deciding to ignore your problem and the chasm in your chest by fighting crime.

Unfortunately for you, despite being one of the most crime-ridden parts of the city, criminals seem to have collectively decided to take a break tonight. So, you sit on the edge of a building, hugging your knees to your chest as tears stream down your cheeks unchecked. You don't even seem to notice them.

Did I drive him to this? You wonder. You are thinking of a time a couple months into your relationship.

You sat on your bed, making out with Peter. He suddenly begins to tug on your shirt, and your break away. "No, Peter," you say.

"Come on, Y/n, you know you want to."

"No, it's really important to me to wait until marriage." (A/n: totally cool if it isn't, idc about until marriage so much as until I'm engaged. Again, totally cool if you aren't)

"No, no, I'm sure it's fine, right?"

"No, Peter, seriously. This is really important to me."

Peter rolls his eyes, still reaching for you. You jerk yourself away from him, eyes wide at this blatant disrespect of you.

"What the hell, Peter?!" You shout.

Peter seems to realize he's gone too far—way too far. He backtracks quickly, apologizing. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I don't know what got into me." His tone seems sincere, as do the puppy dog eyes, but you aren't fully convinced. You cross your arms, cocking an eyebrow.

"Seriously, Y/n. I am really, truly sorry, and I promise it won't happen again."

"It better not," you warn him, softening and walking over to where he sits on your bed. You and he hug, your boyfriend's head resting on your chest. You run his fingers through his hair before pressing a chaste kiss to the top of his head.

You grimace at the memory. After that, Peter never pressed for sex again, but he would occasionally touch you in ways that made you feel uncomfortable. You would tell him that that was a no, and he'd apologize, say he forgot. He wouldn't touch you there during the rest of the evening, but would do the same thing in other areas—and it would reset on each date, where he could 'forget' was off limits.

Did he really need it? Did my obstinance lead to him needing someone, so he turned to MJ? Should I have been kinder, more ready for him? Catered to his needs?

The idiocy of the way you are thinking hits you like a truck, and where guilt was is soon replaced by anger. Your choice didn't mean he was free to stick it where the sun don't shine—he should respect it, respect you. Now that the relationship is over, you begin to see all the small things that were wrong in the relationship—culminating in his cheating on you. And not just with anyone, but with your best friend.

Sadness wells up in you again, and tears start anew as you mourn the loss of a boyfriend you had loved and a friendship you had cherished.

You are jolted from your reverie by an arm encircling you and pulling you into it's owner's side.

You glance up at a certain super soldier. "Hi, Buck," you sigh, lacking your usual luster and excitement. Bucky's heart breaks as he notes the sadness in your eyes, the absence of a sparkle in them.

"What's wrong, doll?" He asks, concerned. You lean your head onto his chest, soaking his shirt as the sobs come quick. He holds you, rocking you and running a metal hand through your hair. Your tears eventually subside enough for you to be intelligible.

"It's P-Peter. H-he cheat-cheated on me," you sniffle. Bucky's grip on your arm tightens.

"Do you want me and Sam to go beat him up?" He asks, the question coming out as a growl more than anything else.

But his boyfriend has already landed on the roof behind the two of you, just in time to hear your confession. "Already on it," Sam says.

You turn to him through teary eyes, and he softens, coming and sitting on the other side of you. He places an arm around your shoulder and Bucky keeps his around your waist. The three of you sit on the edge of a random building in Queens, staring out at the city in silence.

You relax into Sam and Bucky's arms—since your arrival at Avengers Tower, the couple has adopted you as their daughter all but legally. You are glad to have them with you as you go through the aftermath of the loss of a boyfriend and best friend in one night, their treachery still fresh on your heart. But you finally stand, and your 'fathers' follow suit. The three of you go to Central Park, walking around together with the post-breakup ice creams, arm in arm in arm and making each other laugh.

Even if your friends and lovers leave you—rip your heart out of your chest, break it, and stomp on it—you'll always have family. And no matter what, they'll help you through anything, and despite how hard it is, they'll make it seem lighter.

Oh, and they'll threaten your ex enough that he never speaks to you again and is forced to be snuck in and out of your residence by it's owner on peril of death. That helps too.

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