Two Lies and a Truth ✨ Clint x Stony!Reader

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You used to think life was all two truths and a lie. That is, before Clint. Clint made you think it was three truths and no lies, but it turns out that it was two lies and a truth—or maybe three lies and no truth.

They say that you fall in love three times in your life—the first, the idealistic love, when you learn what love really is for yourself; the second, the hard love, the one that teaches us lessons about who we are and how often we need or want to be loved—the love we wish was right; and the third, the love that lasts, the love we never see coming. The third love looks all wrong and destroys any last lingering ideals of what love is "supposed to be". It's where we just fit, where there aren't ideal expectations, where you are just accepted for who you are. It's the love that feels right.

Clint was all of those wrapped in one for you. He was your first love, second love, and your third. Each time, you fell deeper into love with him. Sure, you had had boyfriends before, but the relationships were short-lived. Clint was the first that you truly loved. The first, and the last.

Now, you know that you were none of those loves for him. But the past is the past, and that's what you have to live with now.

Your realization of this all started with Natasha.


"Hey, babe?" You call, walking into the kitchen groggily. Clint turns to look at you, smiling at your messy hair. You wrap your arms around him from behind, standing on tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

You had been dating for quite a while, but kept it a secret from the other Avengers—especially your parents, Steve and Tony. So, you had limited dates to when you could sneak out separately and meet up without raising suspicions, and he would only come into your room after everyone else had gone to bed. You made sure that he was either gone before people woke up, or at least in the vents—making it easier for him to visit you than you him.

So far, it had worked well. Now, as you got coffee together at 2 AM, you realized just how happy you were. Sure, it might be hard to be in a relationship kept hidden from your housemates and parents, but it worked.

The kiss turned into a make-out session, which turned into more... physical activities. As you lay in bed, you and Clint snuggled together, exhausted, content to just be together. His hands ran through your hair as you silently traced his scars with your fingers, occasionally kissing them lightly.

And that was how Nat found you. She had apparently come to ask you for something, you never did find out what, but she just stood there in shock. Clint quickly got dressed and left, and you heard them in the hall in hushed voices, but were unable to make out what they said and didn't want to eavesdrop.

Since that night, Nat had avoided you, but smiled in greeting when she saw you. You once asked her what was wrong, and she just gently said to ask Clint, but didn't elaborate.

That night, you did. He just said that he and she had had a relationship beforehand, and you accepted that. The next time you saw her, she asked if you knew, and you responded yes. Her gentle smile turned into a glare, and you just stood there, confused. From then on, Nat just avoided and snubbed you, and you couldn't figure out why.

~•~•~•end flashback•~•~•~

As the quinjet pulled in to a farmhouse, you looked around quizzically, more than a little confused.

"Where are we?" You whispered to Bruce.

"I don't know," he answered. The group headed inside, and you saw a very pregnant woman come greet all of you.

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