Cosmic Love ✨ Steve Rogers

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A/n: this story is based on the song "Cosmic Love" by Florence + the Machine. Whenever a short is based on a song, that song will be the title and there'll be an a/n to go with it.


"Shit." You sit up with a groan, looking around at your surroundings. You notice your boyfriend lying unconscious a few feet away from you and surge forward, only to be stopped by your chains, which were attached to the wall behind you. You sit with a sigh, head in your manacled hands, as you watch for any signs of him waking.

What feels like hours pass by before he does, but you have no way of judging. "Steve?" You whisper, when you notice his eyes flutter open. He moans as he lifts himself to a sitting position, and you get a better look at his injuries. Tugging futilely at your bonds for the millionth time, you still can't reach him. A pant goes through as you notice the large gash on his head. The gash I put there, you remind yourself. If I had done better, payed more attention, neither of us would be in this situation.

"Hey, hey, hey," Steve says, commanding your attention. You look up, your eyes filled with regret. It's all my fault.
He looks back sadly, his puppy dog eyes seeming to understand the words running through your head. "It's not your fault."

"Yes it is!" You reply fiercely, turning to look at your other side. You can't face him, not when you are the reason he's imprisoned. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here."

"And you'd be dead."

"Yes!" You whip your head back. "That's the consequence in this line of work. You mess up, you're hurt or dead. What you don't do, is take others with you." Your eyes turn soft and pleading. "You can't risk yourself to save me. That was my mistake, and I should hear it myself. If you hadn't tried to save me, you'd be fine."

"I won't let you die, (y/n)! I love you too much! When will you get that in your head?!"

You stare at him, shocked. This was the first time he'd said he loves you in your relationship. You had expected it in a romantic setting, maybe on a fancy dinner date, if at all.

There was a brief period of awkward silence, which you broke by whispering, "I love you too, Steve."
You couldn't bear to look up at him, so you just put your head in your hands. Dammit, (y/n), you just fucked up, big time, you mentally reprimand yourself.

You look back up at him, tears staining your face. Surprisingly, the eyes looking back at you were soft and concerned, not angry or disappointed. "I love you, Steve," you whisper, but louder this time. His face breaks into a smile, as if you just gave him the sun. The huge grin in his face causes you to break into your own small, wry one.

"Look, babe, as much as I'd love to sit here with you like this, it might be helpful if we made a plan for exfil," you say after a moment.

Steve nods seriously, all business now. "Good idea, (y/l/n)," he agrees, reverting to his mission leader voice. "We're in a hydra facility, that much we know. They'll probably come to experiment, but we need to find a way out, yes? So we'll take that as our opportunity. When they come in, whoever they unlock first, will attack." You nod.

"And then we'll figure it out from there?" You add.

"And then we'll figure it out from there."

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