14. Strange place

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I have no strength left in my body, i reach for the door handle with my right weak arm, but my body falls down. As my eyes closes for good.

«Did she wake up?» do I hear a voice say. A deep and rusty voice. Slowly I opend my eyes and I see a handsome guy with brown hair. «She is awake!» does he say loud out and more guys come running.

I dont remember things properly from that day, but I remember that I never saw jungkook. I was treated very well and the boys around me were so lovely and very GOOD LOOKING. "I am Namjoon, I have heard a lot about you" do I remember a guy said.

«How do you know who I am? How told you anything about me?» I ask in a strange way. He looked confused and gone, it was like he was going to say that isn't meant to be said. "Jungkook talks about you daily» does he say without hesitating. Did Jeon Jungkook talk about me? Why?

Jungkook the guy that told me he was working during school time, has been here in the music business and talked about me to other people? That just didn't seem like the truth.

«Jungkook just talks about you every single day. You are the only one in his mind» does one of the guys say. I dont remember any names properly. I remember one of their names is Kim Namjoon. I got a jacket and a pair of shoes and one of the guys drove me home. Even if I got all this, it felt empty.

I didn't get to see the ONE person I was looking for and I didn't get to say what I wanted to too him. I went home with disappointment and a anxious feeling in-between my chest. I ran all the way to Jungkook in this bad, horrible and awful weather with no energy in my body. All this to see him.

It was a waste if time. I got to know that he talked about me a lot, but why would he talk about me? And why do I feel like he is lying to me?

I got myself home and mom was of course not home. The house was dark and frozen. No heat, no love and nothing to light up. Nobody would want to live in this out, I went in then straight out again.

I am telling all this based on what I remember and I remember that I grabbed that broken bike and ran away. All the way to the hidden hills. The place that made all my thoughts come out even if no one was there to hear me.

I got memories of Jungkook that day, he used to be there with me. I sat there and thought about the whole day. I sat there in this coldness, this cold freezing air. The heat left my body for each second I stayed here and it felt good.

"I HAVE GOTTEN SO MUCH BETTER!!! JUST FOR YOU!!!" did I scream straight out. I screamed it right out without a breath. I stood on the tip of the clift and almost fell, but maybe that what i wanted. I wanted to fall. I lift my left foot up in the air. No ground underneath. As I was feeling the breeze getting through my hair. I jump. My whole body is in the air. But then I feel someone grab me from behind. Who is it?

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