4.4 Found Him

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Y/n: Don’t say that…you tried your best to make our life's stable, and now it is fine since I have a job and make money now

Mom: I missed so many essential years from your life…did you get married to the guy who proposed to you here? His name was Park Jimin, right?

Jungkook’s point of view- Back home
I am the biggest coward in the world. I walked with her all the way to the door opening until my heart fell out the second we got eye contact. Her mother’s eyes pierced at me with a death stare making me feel so small.

My heart was pounding, and I could hear my heartbeat. I wasn’t ready to meet Y/n’s mother. I ran away fast as possible and drove back home.

Y/n already looked happy seeing her mother after years, and if I came inside, there would be more trouble. I choose to run away, but next time  I will find the strength to confront her.

Jin: What did the doctors say?

Jungkook: *takes his shoes off* Y/n is there with her now

Namjoon: Weren't you going to see her?

Jungkook: No, I can wait. I feel like they should have a moment together

Jin: Why do you sweat so much? Did you run all the way back?

Jungkook: No, I ran out of the hospital before Y/n could make me stay

Namjoon: She needs you now, and you ran away from her?! *turns off the TV*

Jungkook: She sent a message saying; Next time, find your strength!

Jin: *laughs* She can handle it herself, Namjoon. She is more substantial than Jungkook with the fact that he ran away from the hospital *laughs harder*

Jungkook: Try to confront a woman that is your girlfriend’s mother that just woke up from a coma that her long lost lover came back after breaking her heart *sits down*

Namjoon: *opens the door* Taehyung? Did you find anything about Jimin?

Taehyung: *walks in* don’t need to find anything about him when I found him *sits down*

Jungkook: *runs and hugs Jimin* Jimin! Where were you the entire week!?

Jimin: *pushes Jungkook gently away* I need some space *walks into his room*

Jungkook: Jimin-

Taehyung: Leave him for now. Where is Y/n?

Jungkook: *exhales deeply* Seeing her mother, who woke up from the coma

Namjoon: Jimin will be back to normal Jungkook. Just wait and talk with him

Taehyung: That’s so good that her mother is back! Why aren’t you with her?

Jin: He was scared because he saw her mother *laughs*

Taehyung: Sounds like Jungkook. Where are Suga and J-hope?

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