2.2 Right on Work

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He himself does not know the pain he causes, but no one had thought that this would happen to us.

I wake up around seven o'clock because the job does not need me there until nine o'clock. I wake up and go to the bathroom and start brushing my theeth.

The alarm rings and I see I have received a message. "You have been transferred to Big Hit as a make up and clothing styler" is what it says on my message. At first I did not care because I still have a job. I get dressed and fix my hair.

I lock the door and it also feels like I've heard of Big Hit before. I do not think about it anymore and go to the bus station. I wait approx for 5 minutes in the hot sun that was about to be covered by the clouds. Just as my music is turning on, someone calls me.

"Yes, what's going on?" do i say when i pick up the call. It was my very best friend Bambam who checks on me, simply if I drive or create trouble. "You are leaving for work all the time, did you notice that?" He says, but there is an enormous amount of noise around him.

"Why is there so much noise around that idiocy ?!" I screaming into the cell phone. Everyone on the bus turns around and looks at me, I understand why they do it.

"Let me guess, people are staring," he says with laughter as if he did it on purpose. "Jerk, that's what you are! See you later, I need to work» I say in a set and hang up the conversation as I enter the large building.

Shock, I feel hit my fingertip, flowed through all the blood and went straight into the brain. There is something familiar about this place, but it is too far in my memory for me to remember.

I ended up in a couple of car accidents and after that my memory has never been clear, only some parts and those parts are about Jungkook. Thats when it hit me. «Hi you must be Y/n? Can tha be true? ” a nice woman asks me.

I did not utter a word, I got a complete brain blanket and just nodded like a dog. "You work with Seventeen, don't you?" she asks me again and gives me an encouraging smile. It smiled before a few words, "Yes, I did it before Seventeen's company was bought by Big Hit."

"Very nice to hear that you have things in order, you are a clothing designer or a stylist?" She opens the door to a room full of people, seven people doing their thing and the rest working back and forth. "I drive both," I say as I look around.

"Good to hear, you can start working right now," she says quickly and leaves the room quickly. I felt like a mouse being trapped, I did not really know what to do.

«You must be Y/n? My name is Channel, I can guide you a bit» she says in a light and pretty voice. It makes me think that I am more of an tomboy than I am feminine, not that I minded it. I'm still in the process of realizing that this is the company Jungkook works for.

But I say good thoughts like that there are several floors here and several groups what is the chance that I will meet him at all.

"You can do basic make-up, you can start with him over there" after receiving my orders, I move on. I lift up the heavy make-up box and as I place it on the table, I look straight into the mirror.

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