4.1 Been a Week

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Jin: she is a bride and she needs support at the moment, take her home *hands him second car keys*

Jin: she needs some rest, and you will call around and ask if Jimin came *runs out*

Y/n: This is the worst day ever

Present time

Y/n’s point of view- Inside Jungkook’s bedroom
My heart was aching slowly as my eyes closed themselves inside the arms of my love. Time has passed by fast, and there is no sign of Jimin. I hate myself for saying okay to marry him, and then everything went downhill.

But I won't deny that I wanted to be with Jungkook from the start. Seeing Jimin heartbroken and run away because he needed a moment to think seemed fair. But it’s been a week since our wedding was canceled and he ran away.

I made a mistake, and I don’t know how to fix it. All week the boys have been trying to find Jimin while I am totally out of space. I wanted to believe that he was fine and moving on, but I knew that Jimin was still wounded deep inside. All because of me.

Jungkook: Here, eat some for me, please. You haven’t eaten anything for three days

Y/n: How am I supposed to eat when I am the reason Jimin ran away

Jungkook: Don’t blame yourself when we both didn’t know how to confront our love

Y/n: Even so we are adults, we should take responsibility for this

Jungkook: We are taking responsibility, but you still have to eat! *hands the food to Y/n*

Y/n: I will eat, but Jimin-

Jungkook: *feeds Y/n* Hush! Eat now! The guys and I are looking for him

Y/n: *swallows the food* What did you say to the entertainment?

Jungkook: *feeds Y/n again* We said he took an early break and sent an Email so that they would believe us. Our manager got furious, but he understood that Jimin needed a break

Y/n: I hope Jimin comes back soon. It hurts to see him away so much

Jungkook: But I didn’t hurt when I was out for so many years? *stands up*

Y/n: Are you really going to make this about you? I freaking died when you were away!

Y/n: I was on my way to take my own life, so don’t say that it didn’t hurt when you were away! *throws the food*

Jungkook: I am sorry that I made this about myself when you obviously need Jimin *slams the door and leaves*

Inside their living room- Author’s point of view

Jungkook was pissed at Y/n for not taking care of her and constantly stressing about Jimin. He understands that the situation isn’t under control and that they need to find Jimin soon, but it annoys him that she skips meals and lacks sleep stressing over it.

When stressing won't help with anything. Jungkook got Y/n after so many years of pain, and all she does now that she has Jungkook is stress about another man. Jungkook feels guilty for ruining Jimin’s wedding, but he couldn’t hold his feelings back.

Jin and Namjoon were worried that Jimin wasn’t safe and that something happened to him. J-hope, Suga, and Taehyung would stay out until 1 AM driving far away to see if anyone they know has seen Jimin. They found no clue.

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