2.5 Responsibility

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Channel plays a big sister role right now in my life, hope she does not leave me. I nod quickly and run back to the makeup room and see six other people plus the artists.

"I'm going to get a towel so you-" I was about to say, but he grabs me and drags me away. His grip is not hard, there are no bruises there, but it stings inside my heart that he touches me. Everything reminds me of 10th grade, he took me everywhere and we promised to be together forever.

He promised he would never leave me, but everything turned upside down. The only thing I want him to keep his promises now is the one who said he should forget me. "I need to talk to you," he says after looking around.

Then he did not care if there was anyone around us he would do what he wants, now he security checks the area for people. Everything can change during the time you follow your dreams.

"I know you remember me and i remember you very well. Why do you pretend I'm not living in this world?” he asks while his eyes are all over the place looking for other people. "You promised to forget me, but you can not keep any promises," I say in a hurtful voice because I don't want to get hurt again.

"How is your mother?" he asks me and ignores what I said. He has always been like that, should ignore my words and continue with his. "She's in a coma," I say gloomily, and his eyes widen. He was slightly shocked because I said it was nothing.

"Is she well?, Good enough treatment?” he asks again, pulling out a chair for me. I think it's going to take a while and I sit down on the chair. He has got a tattoo on his hand, there are letters and smiley faces, a lot that means a lot to him.

Unfortunately, I'm not there, it's not, unfortunately, it's for the best. "She is in the hospital, I take care of her" and he replies with "Nice to hear, you take some responsibility". I felt like exploding, all the words came storming out. But I kept everything inside. It fired loudly at me and everything came down furiously.

I wanted to say “I took responsibility ever since I saw you! You destroyed me, I still have not rebuilt myself. You left me and I felt like I just died. You knew I couldn’t live without you! Even so you left!. You lied to me and kept on  pretending to care. Just follow your dreams, become famous, and train your body the way you want. During that time, I sprint back and forth to keep my life in place. So dont you dage to talk about responsibility!

"Y/n, how's life?" He does not understand how much it hurts me and weakens my power to continue living. He who caused all the injuries is fine, but every day I die from seeing him.

Knowing that he left me, the whole world turned its back on me the second he took the step out of my life. It made me realize that everyone in the world can play good people. Humans are a mixture of both good and evil, some have larger parts of one than the other.

"There is nothing better than before," I say, not to mention anything more. The cell phone rings and I check it. As I record, Jungkook starts talking again. "Who is it?" He asks as he tries to look at my phone. "No one you need to know about," I say curtly and leave the room and answer.

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