2.20 Bigger part of me

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Y / n point of view

I had worked quite a long time and balanced all day. I got to work with the boys I worked with before, Seventeen. It was good to see people I had a relationship with again, they work even harder than before. I was exhausted from running from the first to the fourth floor in that few minutes.

BTS did not need to fix until now, so I got an hour break. I went to my mother and talked to her. Our conversation can not be defined as a conversation when it feels like I'm talking to the roof. No response, but the doctor said he sees progress even though it has only been a few weeks.

But I feel more open and calm by talking about my life even if it is to someone who does not say their opinions. I get to work with a big smile and ready to take it easy. A better start with a good ending.

"You're cute when you smile" I hear a familiar voice say behind me as I open the makeup room's door. "It goes straight back to you, but you're cute without trying," I answer, holding the door open for him. Jimin finds me everything, without us having planned anything.

Think of the person who can say that Jimin is theirs, they get a good and nice life. Having a positive, loving, supportive and fun person in their daily lives can change who you are and how you behave around others.

I wish Jimin was a bigger part of my life, maybe I had become a better person. Maybe I had tried to forgive Jungkook instead of forgetting him.

"Badly said by you, I want to talk to you about something," he says and sits down on his make-up chair. I pick up my makeup box and find the products I use on him. "Is there anything you want to change?" I ask without looking at him because I'm busy with makeup.

He looks away easily and closes his eyes. It feels weird all of a sudden, it was like we were promoting. That's how I interpreted the atmosphere that was in the room with the two of us alone. "It's our relationship I want to change" is what I hear him say and he lets me continue with his makeup.

I can misinterpret his words, but I do not know what to answer. "What do you want to change about it?" I ask without any problems so that he does not suspect any of my suspicions. "I want to turn it into a relationship with love," he says as he opens his eyes and I stand directly above him

Our eyes are locked together, no one wants to look away, none of us can look away. His beautiful~ beautiful eyes are absolutely wonderful. I do not know anything about it but even now it is his beauty that shines.

Don't leave me (Jungkook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant