8. My only view

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Y / n: have not you understood me

* goes faster *

Jungkook: just go!

* gets away from re-sitting *

I like That day I just walked away from Jungkook, I felt it myself that I was starting to become addicted to Jungkook. My foot was bad, I had lived my whole life so far without trusting anyone or being dependent on them.

My mother did not stay, she was almost always at home at work according to her. Her defense when I speak out is always "I do this for you".

Parents suck, they should always pass that feeling on to the children as if they are better. I understand you were busy with work, but it's not difficult to just ask

"Y / n, what happened today". If you had cared more mom, I would have been better than most. The little sweet you could have shown had helped so much, you would not see a change here once.

Jungkook was there, ladle when I pushed him away for every second he came back. It was as if we were dependent on each other and not just on one side.

I did not usually go home after school, it was too dark and dead in the house. I always chose to go somewhere no one would find me, a place that only belonged to me.

Outside the city, it was this beautiful mountain top that had this fanatical view that one could dream of seeing

There were all the different lights from the house, both large and small. You could see couples kissing, mother screaming at the children and old man looking at his wife in the picture.

When I was up there, I felt like a people want in their lives. It made me feel like I was important and showed me in a unique way.

In this ugly and cruel city, there was a hidden beauty that only I could see. One might have thought that I had been to parties and drunk alcohol, but no.

I just wanted to own the whole world and help people. I'm a Leo who cracks everything. I am in people's eyes trouble and selfish. No one knew who the real Y / n was.

It was a weekend, so I did not see Jungkook for several days after I left school on Friday so early. I had no contact with him, he had never asked about my number or anything about social media.

I showed that he had social media and everyone else at school on it, but I was the only thing he did not want him to have on social media.

If I was going to bring it up he would just start saying things like "are you interested in me" but I had become so annoyed that I had just moved away from there.

I'm not struggling with anger issues, I'm struggling with Jungkook's issues. There are two different things. I was sitting there on Saturday I had stuffed my earplugs and listened to the song Home which was in the movie Bright.

"Someone take me home" I sang one sentence out also I felt the cold hands hit my icy ears.

I got a shadow over me that slowly pulled the music out of my ears. I turned around and saw him again.

Y/n: how did you get here?

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