Namjoon: Exit Stage Floor

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omgkhdj requests open in the NEXT chapter dksjj sorry i forgot i had a namjoon one to do first.

request by broken_string_1101 :)


Namjoon's POV -

I don't know how many accidents there have been on stage over the years of kpop being a thing. I know it's way too many, which has brought a bad taste to the mouths of Westerners, who think we get abused, but I can honestly see where they're coming from.

There's that girl who had a seizure on stage, there was the time that boy fainted on stage. The time I fractured my leg; the time Seokjin got his ear burnt, the numerous times JImin has collapsed in camera view.

There's the off-stage incidents, too. The time Jungkook was too dizzy, when that guy fell through the stage and landed on top of Jungkook, when Yoongi's shoulder kept causing him so much pain he couldn't dance. There's been so many more, but with how quickly we move, it's hard to keep on track of it all.

There's been general accidents, too. The amount of times Jimin has fallen over, when Jungkook slipped during Euphoria, when he cut his hand, when we've forgotten choreo and bumped into each other. No matter how much we practice, accidents are always going to happen.

We have plans in place, should accidents happen. We had to have special training after the first time Jimin fainted, and we all panicked whilst still visible to a few fans and some cameras. As much as we don't want to, if someone collapses, we have to drag them off the stage as quickly as we can. If someone falls, or their clothes rip, we have to keep going until we can get off the stage to be checked. If we get hurt, we often have to get back on stage, and keep going until it's available for us to slip off.

I don't really care about getting injured. That just happens in life. No matter what job you do, or where you go in life, you'll get injuries. It's the way we learn and grow. However, I hate getting hurt in front of the fans. It scares them, and then they worry about us too much, and get upset. I hate doing that to people. I think there might even be a community that writes stories about that. I don't know though.


"So, Namjoon and Jimin, you two are going to come up through the stage floor trap door when it's your joint part, just a little bit past the first minute of the song. Namjoon, you're going to stay there until it's fully lifted, and then you'll just walk off and keep going with the choreo. Jimin, you're going to jump when you're halfway up, to start your part first, okay?"

Jimin nods his head, looking down at the small crack the trapdoor creates when it's shut. I hate the damn things. After that time someone fell on top of Jungkook and hurt his back, I just can't trust them. The lift is separate to the actual door, so if the door opens by itself, it's a long fall down. A fall I don't want to consider.

Hoseok scans over the stage, his brain working away on how the change will affect the choreography, and what the rest of the boys can do to fill the gap Jimin and I will create while we're not there. He instantly walks off, and pulls the others into a huddle, pointing around the stage.

"Namjoon, is this change okay with you? I know you're not a fan of the stage trapdoors, after Jungkook got hurt."

"It's fine," I say dismissively. "I don't dislike them because Jungkook got hurt. I just don't like how you could get trapped in them, or how the doors might not open and you could get crushed, or how it could get stuck open ..."

The instructor looks hard at me, his eyebrows raised. "... Right. I'll put it down on the board, then."


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