Hoseok Drowns

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request by @fairytailandbnha :-)


Hoseok's POV -

I watch as Jungkook lifts Taehyung up and throws him onto the sofa. Before he can get up, Jungkook climbs on top of him, forcing Taehyung's arms above his head. "Say you're sorry."

"I absolutely will not."

"I'll tickle you."

"I'm not ticklish."

Jungkook attacks Taehyung's neck, causing him to scream and hunch up. As hard as he tries to fight, Jungkook is too strong, and he can't get him off. I lean over and tickle his foot at the same time, holding his leg down at the same time so he can't kick me. He lets out a strangled scream, trying to kick with the other leg. He starts struggling for breath, unable to breathe in properly when Jungkook is touching his neck, so I let off him, lifting Jungkook up so that he frees up on Taehyung.

"You murderer!" Taehyung gasps, still giggling hysterically.

"You're breathing, aren't you?"

"I can hold my breath longer than you."

"Bet you can't."

I lay a hand on each of their shoulders before they can start a contest. "I thought you were gonna teach me to swim? Now is a perfect time." Jungkook moans theatrically. "Please?"

"But it's cold out there," Taehyung says, pouting. "I don't wanna swim."

"Why are you only getting over your fear now?" Jungkook asks, looking up at me quizzically.

I hesitate, unable to think why. "...You remember how Yoongi fell into the pool last month, and he panicked? And he couldn't get his head above the water, even though he knows how to swim? What if the same happens to me? I wouldn't stand a chance."

When I was about 4 years old, I fell into my friend's pool. My parents hadn't taught me to swim yet, since we didn't have a pool ourselves, nor did we live near a public one. They had intended for me to learn when I had started school. I was too young to really know how to panic swim, and I couldn't resurface. Luckily, my friend's parents were supervising us, and had pulled me up before I could drown. Since then, I've had an intense fear of the water, and got myself into such a state when my parents tried to teach me the next year they didn't try again. The fear has continued into my adulthood, so that I can't swim with the boys or play any games with them in the water. I even used to be afraid of getting in the bath, but luckily I was able to get over that.

"Hyung," Taehyung says, "Yoongi knows how to swim, but he still panicked and got submerged. So how would you learning to swim save you."

"It would at least give me the chance to save myself. Come on. What if I slipped outside?"

"But why do we have to do it?" Jungkook whines.

"Fine. Forget it."

"No, don't be like that. We'll teach you," Taehyung says, unable to cope with me sulking.

We get dressed into our swimming stuff in our separate rooms. I have to borrow Jimin's, since I don't own any myself; I'm sure he won't mind. They fit me perfectly, despite Jimin being shorter than me. I throw a shirt over myself, feeling a little self conscious even though Taehyung and Jungkook have seen me completely naked numerous times. I pause, looking at myself in the mirror. The material of the shorts make my skin feel itchy, and I begin to feel anxious. I don't think I can do this.

By the time I get outside to the pool, Taehyung and Jungkook are already in, looking a little agitated and cold. "Finally!" Taehyung calls, wrapping his arms around himself. "Get in, I'm absolutely freezing!"

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