BTS: Basic First Aid

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okay so, this is an important chapter !! i think its very important that everyone knows first aid, and should be able to help someone should something bad happens. this chapter only covers a certain amount of things, so maybe like,, part 2 one day ??

ive been a first aider for nearly three years now. i started a paramedic course, and have recently switched to radiography. im giving my advice based on what i have learnt. from my own learning, all the information in these short stories are correct. if you have been taught differently, please dont start a fight with me thanks : )

i started this whole book to teach first aid, but uuuh its kinda gotten bigger since then. i know a couple of these have been in my stories before, but this is the place to read if you want true, honest advice. i hope yalls can learn something from it : )

so essentially, theres 7 short stories containing first aid scenarios. each one is labelled so you know what it is : )

*there will be a kids and babies version in my other sickfics book : )


Namjoon - Unconscious and Breathing:

Seokjin's POV -

Namjoon has been feeling pretty bad for the past couple of days. It started from simple cold symptoms, to slowly feeling worse and worse, until he physically couldn't get himself out of bed. He wasn't really sneezing or coughing; he just seemed worn out and achy.

A doctor came out, and diagnosed him with a severe flu. There's not much we or medicine can do to help, so we've just had to leave him to slowly get better on his own. We've been nurturing him, but soup can only do so much.

I know it'll be breaking soon, though. He's been floppy for about a week now, and has only left his bed to go to the toilet. His fever is a little lower today, and he seems at least a little more awake. We know it'll be at least another few weeks until he's back at full capacity. All we can do is wait.

The others have gone off to dance practice. I've stayed behind this time, ready for my shift of taking care of Namjoon. He wanted us to leave him alone, and that he'll be fine at home on his own, but none of us could trust that. He couldn't even get himself to his feet - how could he keep care of himself for hours on end?

I stir the mug in his hand one more time, then take the teabag out. I know that, when I feel really poorly, a nice mug of tea really goes the long mile. Namjoon tends to like coffee more, but that's not going to help him feel any better, is it?

I gently knock on his bedroom door, and wait for a response, but there's nothing. It doesn't really mean much. He could be sleeping, or he could have his headphones on, like he did yesterday. He's finding whale noises really relaxing when he's feeling so poorly. I knock again, a little louder this time, but again, there's no response from him. When I put my ear to the door, I can't hear him snoring, either.

I set the mug down on the table outside his room. It's never usually there, but the boys and I have been taking out and bringing in so many things for Namjoon that we needed a spot to put everything that would be close by. There's only the mug, and a sick bucket placed on it. He hasn't needed the bucket for a couple of days now, but just in case.

I slowly crack open the door. It's dark in there, with the heavy curtains closed, so it takes a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust.

I stare at the bed, but it looks flat. Squinting, I wonder if my eyes are somehow playing a trick on me, but there's definitely no Namjoon in that bed. I take one step further into the room, and my foot collides with something heavy, nearly making me trip.

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