Seokjin Breaks His Leg (+A/N)

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i just want to discuss some things about requests.

i have,,, like a hella amount of requests. most of them are jimin and jungkook ones, but, since i try to rotate each member equally, there's obviously going to be a big wait for these stories.

im asking you to be patient with me. these take a lot of work, and im pretty proud of them. i did ask if you wanted me to upload every day, and no one answered lmao.

at this moment, requests are still open, because i don't like closing them, quite frankly.

i put requests over my own writing, so please, just bear with me. it will be uploaded eventually.

thank you!


Seokjin's POV -

"Yoongi!" I call down the stairs. I hear a loud groan in response, and he appears at the bottom step, his hair all messy where he's been napping on the sofa.

"Huh?" he drawls, blinkling sleepily. It's only early afternoon, but it's our first day off in a couple of months, so he's spending his time napping. "Whasit?"

"You said you'd help me move all of those boxes out my room today! They're too heavy to lift on my own."

He whines again, and slowly plods up the stairs, muttering to himself grumpily. As soon as he's close enough, I grab his arm, and pull him along the landing towards my room. He stumbles a little, but he doesn't fight against me.

"Why can't one of the others do it?" he whinges, pulling away from me once we get into my bedroom. "I was busy."

"Sleeping doesn't equal busy," I respond. "And you need to learn to keep up your promises. You're always promising us things, but, unless it's work related, you never end up doing it. You said you would help me, so you're going to help me, whether you like it or not."
"I don't like it," he says under his breath. I don't think he meant for me to hear it, but I did, so I give his nose a little flick. He backs off me, but he doesn't argue, knowing he'll get his ass beat if he dares talk back to someone older.

I get ready to pick up the first box. Yoongi grabs the other side, and together, we slowly lift it up. Yoongi groans theatrically, but the box isn't really that heavy. We slowly shuffle out the room with it, and head towards the attic. I've already brought the stairs down, but I haven't really figured out how we're gonna get up there, since it's a ladder. Yoongi looks up the stairs, frowning. He opens his mouth to speak, but I don't let him, grabbing the ladder handle and putting my foot up, balancing the box on my knee. I feel it slip, and grab it, making my knee jerk. I squeal, falling down, and the box lands on my chest, it being too heavy for Yoongi to hold so suddenly. I cry out.

"Seokjin!" he cries, shoving the box off. "Are you alright?" I whimper again, sitting up slowly, using the ladder to prop me up. "Hyung?"
"I'm ... okay," I groan, rubbing my chest where the box hit me. "Just a little winded."

"Are you sure? That box hit you pretty hard."
I nod, getting up properly. "That plan wasn't good enough. We need to try something else. How are we supposed to get them up there?"

Yoongi ponders, looking up the stairs again. "Get two of the other boys to help. We'll be up there, and they can hand the boxes up to us, right?"

"Won't we just fall out?" I ask. I go to walk, and feel my ankle burn. I lean down to rub it. "Ouch ..."

Yoongi grabs my arm quickly. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

I laugh a little, but when I meet Yoongi's eyes, I see that he's really scared. I stop laughing quickly, coughing instead to try and pretend like I wasn't actually just laughing at a diagnosed anxious person. He keeps looking at me with scared eyes. "I'm alright, Yoongi, I promise. I just twisted my ankle."

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