Jimin: Broken Jaw

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Jimin's POV -

"Jungkook, it's not as hard as you think," I say, flinging my own leg up high in the air, It reaches my ear neatly, and Jungkook watches my reflection as it does the same. "You have the flexibility to do it, you just need to stretch right, and you'll be able to do it just fine."

Jungkook shakes his head, still staring into the mirror. "It's easy for you, Jimin hyung, because you've been flexible all of your life. Yeah, I've danced as a kid, but not professionally. Not like you. And I joined a hip-hop group, not a contemporary group. It's not like I can just kick my leg up whenever I want."

"You can if you tried a little harder."

"I am trying, hyung! Don't you dare say that to me! Like I said, I wasn't born doing this like you were! It's not fair for you to judge me!"

"I'm not trying to start an argument with you, Jungkook-ssi. I just want you to reach your full potential. I know you can do it because you are a clever and professional dancer. You've been dancing long enough to be able to kick your leg straight. You might not be able to do what I do, because I learnt to do it when I'm young. I've been told to help you out because the instructor can't do it, either. I need to be tough on you, right?"

Jungkook sighs, kicking at the floor. "Yeah, I know, I know. But I really can't do it. Every time I kick my leg my hip hurts, and I feel like I need a wee. My thighs are just too big."

"Come off it, Jungkook. Your thighs aren't big. You're just muscular."

"That's what I mean, Jimin."

"Right, well hanging around chatting about it isn't going to get us anywhere. Have a good stretch of that leg, and get it to go as far as you can manage. I know you can do it, Jungkook. I've seen you come very close to it, before we even started this practice. I know we can get it today."

Jungkook doesn't respond, and keeps slowly kicking his leg backwards and forwards, getting higher each time. He rotates his hip in any way he can, wincing if he pushes a little too hard. He puts his foot flat on the floor, and starts stretching down, like he's going into the splits. He keeps going, until his legs are flat on the ground.

Jungkook has always been able to do the splits if he takes it slowly, but for this dance, he needs to kick his right leg up with no support, along with me next to him doing the same thing. If he were allowed to do it slow, then he would be fine, but he can't. I've offered to help, since my contemporary dance background has already taught me how to do it. It looks easy, but it's not. It's just a simple high kick.

I press play on the music, and we go through the stages of the dance leading up to the moment. There's a bit where the bass gets louder for just a second, and that's when we have to kick. My leg goes perfectly in the air, my left leg straight, my back straight. I can do it without blinking an eye.

Jungkook copies at the exact same time. His leg gets to the right point, but his knee gives out, and his back is lopsided. He has the move, just not the technique. He lets out a low groan as he stumbles forward, then rubs his hip. "I can't do it!"

"Yes you can, Jungkook. Saying you can't will only put you in a negative mindset!"

There's a small knock on the door, and the other members start to crowd in, dropping their coats by the chairs. They look at us hopefully, but with one look at Jungkook's angry expression and rubbing hand, they sigh.

"Still no luck?" Taehyung asks, wrapping his arm around Jungkook, but Jungkook pulls away, not in the mood for a hug.

"I just can't do it! And then Jimin turns around being like 'well if you think positive' like it's just that easy! I said it hurts, and no one is listening! I. Cannot. Do. It!"

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