Taehyung: Accused

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two requests by two anonymous' :)


Taehyung's POV -

One of Jungkook's most prized possessions is a picture of him and his family, all huddled up together on the beach near his house, when Jungkook was only 6. The picture contains him, his brother, his mum and dad, and his grandparents from each side. One set of grandparents passed away just after he became a trainee, so he treasures the picture to his heart. He put it in a special frame, and takes it with him when he goes on tour.

None of us are allowed to touch the picture. Jungkook worries that we'll break it, or lose it, or rip the photo somehow. We've told him to make copies of the picture, in case something does happen to it, but he doesn't listen. He says that a copy will be a fake, and then it won't be as special. He's the only one in the family who owns the picture, and the back is yellow from age, when it was printed the day after it was taken.


I head into Jungkook's room later that day, needing to get some of his music work off of him so that I can do my bit. He was supposed to give it to me yesterday, but he hadn't quite finished, so I'd given him the benefit of the doubt.

He sits at his computer, his headphones on, frowning at the screen. It's not his main setup, since his real producing computer is at the offices, but he made this smaller one so that he can do some work whilst at home. It doesn't look like he notices me coming in, but then he starts to talk.

"No matter how much I try, I can't seem to get these two samples to line up," he whines, removing one of his headphone covers so that he can hear what I have to say. "It just sounds so odd and weird when I just leave it how it is, but when I put it in the place I want it to be, the computer just comes up with an error."

I lean over his shoulder, watching as he moves the sample, and an error flashes up on the screen straight away. He gives a little growl of annoyance.

I take the mouse out of his hand, and move the file myself, but the same thing happens. Jungkook's frown deepens, and he tries to take the mouse back off me, but I shake him off. I open the file history, and look at all the edits he's made.

"Look here, you've turned off editing mode, you idiot!" I laugh, and Jungkook lets out a long groan from underneath me. He watches as I turn it back on, and move the sample to where he wanted it. This time, there's no errors, and the sample stays. He presses play, and through his headphones, I can just about hear the song - though I know it perfectly already.

"Thanks, hyung," he says a little dismissively, but I know he's just shrugging me off because he's in the zone. "I'll just finish off this last bit, and then I can send it to you."

Instead of stalking back to my own room, I sink down on his bed, and sigh, stroking the silk covers under my fingers. As much as I love my own room, Jungkook has this way of styling everything that makes me feel jealous. His walls are a deep blue, with a few soundproofing tiles so he can record in here. He has bookshelves and cabinets crammed everywhere, all decorated with the things he loves. His favourite picture is the pride piece of his bedside cabinet, next to his lamp.

I take a glance at him, but he's still focused intently on the computer, clicking away with the mouse. I turn back to the picture, and pick it up carefully. The frame is a beautiful stone carving, with 'Family' etched into the side. A line of real sapphires like the edge of the frame, and they sparkle in the light. It really is a beautiful frame, and fits the picture perfectly. I look at little Jungkook, with his bigger brother, and his mum and dad looking so proud of them both. His grandparents are smiling, each holding on to their respective child - Jungkook's parents.

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