Jungkook: Falling Euphoria

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the name is cringe but whatever

request by taetxwn :)


Jungkook's POV -

I stare up into the stadium, taking in the soft wisps of cloud above our heads. It's going to be a beautiful day today. The perfect day for a concert.

I love standing on the stage and taking in all the emptiness. The venue always feels so much smaller when all the seats are filled, and there's lights flashing everywhere. I love the opposite equally. They both have different moods. I like how cool it is in here, and the way my voice echoes across the seats.

I look up at the zipwire being hung up around the stadium, ready for me to perform in Euphoria. I've only done it a handful of times, since the tour has only just started, but I love it each and every time. I stand on the hook, and an electrical pulley pulls it along the zipwire. It only goes around the floor area, and not the seats, but it goes on for a while, and I can look down at everyone's faces.

I wear a small harness under my shirt, so that it isn't noticeable, and, when it's time for me to go up, I take the harness clip, and slide it under my shirt. You can't see it, unless you're up close, which means the fans usually can't see it. I'm a massive advocate for safety, but it does ruin the effect a little if you can see it.

Hoseok comes up behind me, and wraps his arms around me. "I bet you know what I'm about to say."

"That you wish I didn't have to do this stunt, and that you're afraid I'm going to fall off and get hurt?"

Hoseok nods a little, then rests his chin on my shoulder. "You do realise just how high you're going, don't you? What if you did fall? I mean, think about it. That tiny little hook is barely going to hold you, and it's only one wire holding you in the air, and one wire strapping you into place. It only takes one to break for you to fall."

A small shiver passes down my spine. I do realise that if I fall, then I'll fall on top of the fans, and if I fall on someone, I'll more than likely seriously injure or kill them. However, I know that the team has made sure I have the best, strongest harnesses and zips, and we've got a huge plan in place for if I do fall.

Hoseok turns his head towards me, feeling me shiver. "Why don't you ask the team to hoist you up there now, and then jump off on purpose, to see how safe it all is?"

I hesitate, thinking about it, then I nod. I suppose it wouldn't hurt, and we can see what can be done if an accident does happen - though I doubt it ever would. A practical risk assessment, instead of a written one.

Hoseok pats my back gently, then goes off to tell the staff what we want to do. I head to the changing room, and slide the harness under my clothes, making sure it's strappred properly into place. I hook the clip into the centre, and head back out onto the stage.

Hoseok must have been pretty quick about the staff, as when I step back out onto the empty stadium, stunt mats are being placed on both the stage and the seating area, depending on where I let go. The harnesses are getting their last check before being hooked into place, and then, it's all ready to go.

I stand up on the hook, and strap the clip onto my harness. I hold on tight with both hands, and I'm pulled up into the air. It goes up slowly, so I won't lose my balance, but then it starts swinging across the wires quite fast. Once I've got my footing, it's easy to stay standing there, and it's easy to hold on with just one hand. The hook always comes a little sideways when I lean on one foot like that, but it's fine. It's not dangerous.

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