Jimin: Scarlet Fever

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Jimin's POV-

I pack the rest of my things into my car, and stand straight with a sigh, stretching my sore back. My mum and uncle watch, smiling softly. My young nephew Jihyung holds onto my uncle's hand, snivelling. He's not been very well since I came home to visit, so he's been very whiny and unhappy. It's the first time he's gone outside in three days. His cheeks glow bright red with fever, and he's all wheezy.

My mum gives me a strong hug, patting my back gently. "Well, I suppose I'll see you soon."

"Love you, mum."

"Love you too." She pulls away, and kisses my cheek gently. My uncle hugs me in a much stronger fashion, nearly lifting me off of my feet, and then I bend down to Jihyung.

He nestles into me, still whining. I give him a small rock, before kissing his hot cheek gently. He tries to cling to me, leaning against me weakly, so I cuddle him for a few seconds more. I can feel the sweat through his clothes, and he gives chesty coughs.

I manage to unlatch myself from him, and stand. "Say bye to dad for me, won't you?" I ask mum. She nods complacently. I turn to my uncle. "I still think Jihyung should go to the doctor. He's really warm, and his chest sounds so sore."

My uncle just shrugs me off. "He's just got a cold that's going around. He needs to build up his immune system, or he'll just keep getting sick."

I sigh, but decide not to argue. These few days at home have involved a lot of arguments around Jihyung being ill. I keep saying he needs to get checked out, but my family argue that since I don't have kids, I don't get a say on what illness needs doctor's attention. Apparently that's knowledge I'll magically unlock when I become a father.

I slide into my car, and turn the engine over. I give one more wave, before pulling away from my family home. I have no idea when I'll get to see them again. Not now we have a new tour around the corner.


"How was home?" Hoseok asks a little jealously as I unpack the rest of my things.

"It was okay. Uncle was there to see me, since it's been years. He brought my nephew with him. He had a cold, so he wasn't very well, bless him."

"I heard the flu has been making its rounds again. People aren't getting vaccinated this year because they don't think they need it. You reckon he has the flu?"

"Possibly? He was coughing his lungs up, the poor might, and he had such a fever. I kept saying he needed to go to a doctor, but neither mum, dad, or uncle would listen to me. They said I don't know enough about kids and their sicknesses to know what needs what. I don't think that's very fair, though. The poor kid really was suffering."

"You've had your vaccine, right?" Hoseok persists.

"You literally came with me."

Hoseok nods, brushing over his blanket before sitting down on his bed. "I remember. We just don't have time for the flu when we're starting tour next month. I wish I had had time to go home, but there were things to do in the studio. It's going to be ages until I see them now."

"Are they coming to any of the tour dates?"

"They're coming to two in Seoul, and one in Gwangju, but I won't really have time to speak to them, y'know? There's going to be so many people I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to see them. It feels like years since I went home."

Hoseok slouches sadly. I sit next to him, and cuddle him tight. "If it's any consolation, I didn't have the best of times. Although it was great seeing my family, it was just argument after argument because of Jihyung. He was so sad about being ill it really dampened the mood."

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