Namjoon's Abuse

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Namjoon's POV -

"Namjoon, don't forget the temporary manager is coming today. You remember everything I told, you right?" PDnim says, sorting the last of his papers into his work file.

I nod my head a little. "Be kind, show him where everything is, and come and help him if he needs anything. I remember."

"It's scary for him to come to such a huge building, with such a huge influence under it, with no prior knowledge to where anything is. I'm going to pretty much tell him how to do the job until I'm back, but you're dealing with the more ... social side to the job. Keeping BTS happy, getting the schedule right. You're babysitting him, okay?"

I nod. "Yes, nim. I got it. You can trust me."

PDnim peers over his glasses, smiling a little. "You've always been a mature, sensible boy. Maybe one day you will be leading this company."

I blush a little with the compliment. "I'm not so sure about that, nim. You know how clumsy I am. I think I would accidentally burn this place to the ground by just dropping a mug."

PDnim leans over the desk and ruffles my hair. I actually really hate it, but I wouldn't dare argue with my manager. "You're a good kid, really. You should give it some thought, though, Namjoon. Imagine being the head of this company. You have the right business head, and you can sympathise with the trainees. You could always hire someone to look after the paperwork." I just shrug, so he moves on. "You have my permission to drop out of schedule when the temp needs help, okay?"

"Yes, nim."

The buzzer rings, and PDnim gets up quickly. "That'll be him. You stay here, and I'll introduce you. Then you can do the tour and stuff."

"Yes, nim."

The office goes quiet without PDnim here. Even though he's only going to be gone a week, I'm gonna miss him. We talk a lot, since I'm the leader of BTS, and I have the extra responsibility of communication with the company. He's going on a business trip in India, in the hopes to make ties between BigHit and their biggest news company. As far as I know, BTS is really big in India, but we've never been. This is our chance, I think.

After a few minutes, the door opens again, and PDnim comes in with a young, serious-looking man. If I were to put an age on him, I would say he was just a few years older than Seokjin. His hair is streaked with grey already, and he has frown lines. My heart sinks a little. I don't think I can joke around with him the way I do with PDnim. It's just a week, Namjoon. It's not a big deal.

I stand up, and bow politely. Instead of bowing back, he just stares at me, unamused. PDnim just laughs, clapping his hands. "So serious! I know I can leave my company in your hands, Kim Seonjae."

Somewhere in my mind, I recognise the name, but I have no time to question it, as Seonjae makes his way over to the desk, and immediately sits down. Even PDnim looks a little shocked. "Yes. You have nothing to worry about, Bang Sihyuk."

I recoil a little at the use of PDnim's real name. Even people who have never met him, or are coming for business reasons, call him either PDnim or Bang PD. His name sounds hollow in the office, but PDnim just smiles awkwardly. "Well ... my flight is in a few hours, so I best head off. I'll leave you with our leading idol member, Kim Namjoon."

I bow again, eager to please, but there's still no smile on Seonjae's face. I falter a little, my heart feeling heavy. I've never met anyone this cold before. "Yes. You have fun, Sihyuk. I'll see you next week."

I share a glance with PDnim. He pats my arm gently, sighing a little. "Come to my office when I'm back, Namjoon, right?"

"Y-Yes, nim."

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